Stop Vaccinating Your Seniors, Already!


by Dr. Will Falconer, DVM, The Tenpenny Report:

This just came to my support email:

My vet wants to give the rabies vaccine to my 14 year old dog whom was just diagnosed with CHF (congestive heart failure), grade 5/6 heart murmur. Is just beginning seizures, that’s why we took him I’m early for a visit. I feel with his health issues, which he does act fine otherwise. He doesn’t need it and should be able to continue on as he has. Your thoughts?

My thoughts poured out swiftly, as this was a crime about to happen.


Did you cringe a bit reading how this dog, with CHF (congestive heart failure) and SEIZURES was getting recommended for another round of rabies vaccine?

The vaccine, made from a nervous system virus, most likely to cause seizures (maybe distemper is a close second, as it’s also a nervous system virus) — are you serious, Dr. WhiteCoat?

I advised Sheila it would be pure and simple malpractice to vaccinate this dog, as it is with any ill dog. Here’s why all those animals have an automatic waiver.

For seniors in particular, highly likely already immune from previous shots in their history, to give another because of a bogus “law,” (see why I say that in my free Rabies Short Course) is all risk and zero benefit.

In short, Just Say NO.

I only hear of a small percentage of these animals, I’m sure, but all too often, the dutiful owner feels pressured to do this and the dog starts circling the drain shortly thereafter.

The article below, originally written in October 2023, will give you some examples of the damage possibly caused by following this recommendation. And some more ammo to fight the insanity.

Bottom line: Who’s going to end up bearing the burden of that damage if you allow it to happen by being a “compliant client?’

You, my dear. Only you.

And your beloved senior who was rocking along just fine until this last insult tipped his scales.

Forewarned is forearmed.

Please don’t allow this lunacy to steal your golden oldie prematurely. Read my original article below on the topic.

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