Experimental biosynthetic food to replace natural food is happening, now!


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

Last week Australian Kate Mason gave a presentation to the 100-year Biodynamic Conference in Sydney.  She flashed document after document on the screen detailing the involvement of national and international government and corporate interests determined to alter the nature and content of our food supply.

During her presentation, Mason covered the synthetic biology and synthetic food landscape; the technologies, the tracking and tracing components, the patents and the health aspects.

Biosynthetic food products are being falsely promoted as more nutritious than organic food. None of this is backed by sound science.  No biosynthetic foods have been proven to be healthy or safe.

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Although most, if not all, of these projects are doomed to fail and will ultimately disappear off the menu, along the way our taxes are being diverted to pay the handsome salaries of biotechnology schemers hungry for profit and fame and boost corporate profits.

More importantly, the experimentation will leave a toxic legacy of persistent genetic pollution which will continue to undermine plant health and human longevity through the generations.

Below, Dr. Guy Hatchard briefly summarises some key takeaways from Mason’s presentation.  To find out more about Mason’s work you can subscribe to and follow her on Substack HERE or on the Community Voice Australia website HERE.

The True Extent of Biotechnology Experimentation – It’s Happening Now

By Dr. Guy Hatchard

A comprehensive presentation by Kate Mason at the recent 100-year Biodynamic Conference in Australia cast light on the true extent of biotechnology experimentation currently underway and also on the techniques being used to deceive the public about its intent and scope.

For one hour at a staccato pace, Mason flashed document after document on the screen detailing the involvement of national and international government and corporate interests determined to alter the nature and content of our food supply. If you can manage it, it is a truly frightening watch. It spoke volumes about the need for the International Genetic Charter.

Kate Mason: The Synthetic Transformation of our Food Systems- Focus on Australia, 12 June 2024 (61 mins)

Wildly imaginative biotech projects are being sold to governments by corporations under the cloak of a glossy facade of virtue signalling using deceptive buzzwords like sustainable development, regenerative agriculture, increased resilience, climate-smart mitigation, crop surveillance, strategic development, the food and agribusiness green revolution, transforming and future-proofing the food system, zero hunger, innovation, the fourth industrial revolution, increasing consistency, nurturing the planet and feeding the world. Whew!!!

Biosynthetic food products are even being falsely promoted as more nutritious than organic food. None of this is backed by sound science. Although most, if not all, of these projects are doomed to fail and will ultimately disappear off the menu, along the way our taxes are being diverted to pay the handsome salaries of biotechnology schemers hungry for profit and fame and boost corporate profits. More importantly, the experimentation will leave a toxic legacy of persistent genetic pollution which will continue to undermine plant health and human longevity through the generations.

Key Takeaways

Here are some of the main take-home lessons of Mason’s detailed research into the murky world of biotechnology experimentation and promotion.

Food is being designed in labs and manufactured in biosynthetic fermentation vats and vertical farms. This involves unregulated gene editing of crops and animals using CRISPR gene editing proven to have unpredictable effects but without any requirement to label end-point foods.

Genetic modification of plant root systems to enhance carbon storage.

Synthetic meat such as lab-grown quail whose genes are forced to multiply using unspecified genetic promoters in a medium of barley containing pig genes. The synthetic quail also contains biosynthetic vitamins and added minerals to “enhance” or rather “correct” its deficient nutritional profile. This is about to be released in Australia and described as free of genetically modified organisms, or GMO-free.

Food made from insect protein whose production is robotically controlled by AI technology in giant mega factories. Yes, these factories are being built right now and they are winning plaudits and awards from UNESCO.

Milk and cheese that doesn’t come from cows, but from genetically modified (“GM”) yeasts engineered to mimic milk production are described as GMO-free. All are currently funded by Australian government partnerships with industry and venture capitalists. An echo of what we can expect coming soon here in New Zealand.

Tracking and tracing of food using blockchain ledger systems from farm (or rather bio vat) to fork distributed via the internet. This includes certification of food production methods to ensure it is good for the climate. This will effectively cede control of all food production and marketing to corporate and government interests. This will be deceptively disguised on your mobile phone app as if you now own a share in a farm or an animal and are actively saving the planet by eating ethical, safe, low carbon footprint, (biosynthetic) food (???).

3D printed food which you can make and shape to look like real food on your home kitchen printer using liquid coloured ink goos made from repurposed old food re-enlivened with biosynthetic additives and then delivered to your door by Woolworth’s drones. Don’t laugh, mad biotech scientists admired by the Government and media wonks are busy making it already and cooking it with lasers. This BBC article ‘Why 3D printed food is set to go mainstream’ describes it as “healthier.” Yummy!!!

Agricultural production organised around future foods biohubs able to monitor and control giant farms using AI surveillance. Crops are then synthesised into a variety of end edible (???) products with little resemblance to the original plants using precision (???) fermentation. The proposed food production processes use recombinant genetic techniques to bring together DNA from multiple sources. The first of these is being set up in Mackay, by the Queensland government because it is a centre of sugar production, a raw ingredient essential for the biosynthetic processes involved.

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