Do the Plotters of the ‘51 Intel Experts’ Coup Deserve Prison?


by Jack Cashill, American Thinker:

People of a certain age will remember the name “Donald Segretti.”  In the 1972 re-election campaign of President Richard Nixon, this youthful campaign aide made the phrase dirty tricks” part of the American political lexicon.  Segrettis mischief included sending embarrassing letters under the names of Nixons political rivals.  Although his dirty tricks had little or no effect on the elections outcome, Segretti served four and a half months in prison.


With Segretti’s four and a half months as a baseline, the 51-plus dirty tricksters who conspired successfully to get Joe Biden elected president in 2020 would seem to deserve no less.  Confident to a fault about the Democrat control of the media, 51 intel officials signed on to the most flagrant disinformation campaign in anyones memory.  “I think there needs to be an investigation into every single one of them,” said Rep. Kat Cammack (R-Fla.), and that investigation deserves a special counsel.

More deserving of prison time than the 51 were the Biden apparatchiks who set the plot in motion.  On October 14, 2020, when they saw the New York Post headline Smoking-Gun Email Reveals How Hunter Biden Introduced Ukrainian Businessman to VP Dad,” they were ready to roll.  They had known since December 2019 that this story might drop.  That was when Mac Isaac alerted the FBI to a laptop Hunter Biden had abandoned at his computer repair shop in Delaware.

Fearing that the story might break at any time, operatives within the FBI reached out to Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms well before the 2020 election and warned them of a potential Russian pre-election hack and dump” operation.  If done with ill intent, these operatives deserve prison time as well.

On the day the Post story broke, representatives from the FBIs Foreign Influence Task Force met with Facebook execs.  As would later be confirmed at a House Judiciary subcommittee hearing, the FBI knew that the laptop was, in fact, Hunter Bidens.

Facebook founder — and future un-indicted co-conspirator — Mark Zuckerberg did not need to have his arm twisted.  He and his wife, Priscilla Chan, had already invested $300 million, in CNNs words, toward enhancing access to voting in the United States.”  CNN failed to add that the Zuckerbucks enhanced access almost exclusively in Democrat districts.

With a little prodding from the FBI, Facebook promptly deamplified” the Post story, dramatically reducing its circulation.  On the same day the story broke, the FBIs Foreign Influence Task Force also leaned on Twitter.  The Twitter people needed little persuasion — some 98 percent of their political donations went to Democrats.  They were all in for Biden, and Twitter blocked not only the Post story, but also the Post itself.

At a House Judiciary Committee hearing, former disgraced FBI general counsel-turned Twitter exec James Baker was asked about his role in silencing the Post.  To virtually every salient question regarding the laptop, Baker pleaded — in vintage Watergate fashion — memory loss.

You were entrusted with the highest level of power at Twitter, but when you were faced with the New York Post story, instead of allowing people to judge the information for themselves, you rushed to find a reason why the American people shouldnt see it,” said committee chair James Comer.  You did this because you were terrified of Joe Biden not winning the election in 2020.”

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