How and Why Obama Designed the Paris Climate Accords to Fail


by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

U.S. President Barack Obama started in earnest the U.S. Government’s plan to prevent China from leading the world, and his proposed TPP, “Trans Pacific Partnership,” trade agreement among the potentially anti-China Asian and Pacific countries, was one of his main initiatives to do that. 12 nations became members, but Trump withdrew America from it. China’s response to Obama’s anti-China initiative, was to organize its own 16-nation RCEP, “Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership”. Obama’s other main initiative against China — and against, actually, all of the “Global South,” or economically rising countries, including India — was the Paris Climate Agreement, which the U.S. led in the drafting of. Obama’s Administration led, at the 2015 U.N. Climate Change Conference, the nations that demanded the now-rising underdeveloped countries (mainly the former colonies of European powers), which had not caused the global warming problem, to share with the world’s developed and high-income countries (which had caused it), the costs of solving that problem, as-if they had contributed significantly to causing it (which they had not), and his proposed version became signed as being the Paris Climate Agreement, but Trump withdrew America from it, and Biden then restored America to it.


However, in any case, it now is widely seen to be a failure. Some people say that the goal-posts for “success” in it need to be raised higher. They don’t recognize that the Paris Agreement had been designed to fail, and can only fail. Raising its goal-posts won’t be able to stop that.

The following is from my 5 November 2021 article “The Paris Climate Agreement Is Pure PR, A Fraud.” It was subsequently included in my 2022 book, America’s Empire of Evil:

The Wikipedia article on the 2015 “Paris Agreement” says that “Negotiations in Paris took place over a two week span, and continued throughout the three final nights.[10]” and that:

The negotiations almost failed because of a single word when the US legal team realised at the last minute that “shall” had been approved, rather than “should”, meaning that developed countries would have been legally obliged to cut emissions: the French solved the problem by changing it as a “typographical error”.[13] [That statement — that France instead of America raised the objection to “shall” — is false. Actually, it was the chief American negotiator, Todd Stern, who labelled it that and demanded it to be eliminated from the text.] At the conclusion of COP21 (the 21st meeting of the Conference of the Parties), on 12 December 2015, the final wording of the Paris Agreement was adopted by consensus by the 195 UNFCCC participating member states and the European Union.[14] Nicaragua indicated they had wanted to object to the adoption as they denounced the weakness of the Agreement, but were not given a chance.[15][16] In the Agreement the members promised to reduce their carbon output “as soon as possible” and to do their best to keep global warming “to well below 2 degrees C” (3.6 °F).[17]

U.S President Barack Obama announced on 12 December 2015 that

In my first inaugural address, I committed this country to the tireless task of combating climate change and protecting this planet for future generations. 

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