Like A Plague Of Locusts, Sodom And Gomorrah Has Been Imposed Upon Americans: The Collapse Of Western Civilization And Its Replacement By ‘Woke’ Satanism Is Nearly Complete


by Rob Pue, All News Pipeline:

Well, it’s better late than never, I suppose. After nearly 60 years of allowing the homosexual agenda to move forward, claiming they just wanted “equal rights,” claiming this was a legitimate civil rights issue, people are just now starting to wake up to what’s really happening, and I’ve been getting phone calls, emails and letters from people who are outraged and panicked.

You see, “pride” parades and festivals, and “transgender” “drag” events — which not so long ago only happened in the big cities — are now invading small town America, like waves of locusts. The outrage is justifiable, especially considering the targets of all this stuff are our children, and they’re no longer even trying to hide that fact. But my question is, “where have you been all this time?” People: are you just now finding out about all this? Have you listened to nothing I’ve been sounding the alarm about for the last 25 years? Did you not believe the evidence and proof I brought forth, over and over again? Or did you just not care because it wasn’t affecting you?


I recently heard from a person in a mid-size suburb in the midwest — horrified that a so-called “Family-Friendly Pride Festival” is being planned in their city park. This event will also include a “drag queen” show — for children, teaching young boys how to dress, apply makeup and dance as “drag queens,” performing for the perverted adults in attendance. When this person found out about it, they went to their local city council to protest, but they were the only ones there in opposition to the event. Meanwhile, the council chambers were packed with LGBTQP+ activists — a very intimidating sight for council members, who voted unanimously to allow the event to go forward.

The person who contacted me had gotten 300 signatures from people opposed to this taking place in their town, and even formed a group against it on Facebook, which many people joined and supported. But city council members ignored all the signatures and Facebook took the group page down within hours, calling it “hate speech.” The person who contacted me couldn’t believe such a thing could ever happen in their town; nor could they believe Facebook would simply remove their page, not allowing freedom of speech or a difference of opinions. Nor could they believe that after contacting every pastor in their town, not a single one would accompany them to the city council meeting to protest this event.

Another person recently contacted me from an even smaller, more rural town, to let me know that their church was planning to have a float in the upcoming “Pride Parade” — their once rock-solid, Bible-teaching church was now planning to celebrate sodomite “Pride,” as a supposed “outreach” to the homosexual community. Their pastor reasoned that if they joined those marching in the parade, and showed them that “God is love,” they’d somehow just change their minds. The Church Board agreed, despite the fact that long-time church members were 100% opposed to this.

In Ephesians 5, we have this: “But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints; Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting…For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God…Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. Be not ye therefore partakers with them…And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.” 

Yes, it’s shameful even to have to speak of these things, and yet we have churches participating in sodomite parades, to show their acceptance and their twisted version of “love,” as they “love” lost souls straight to hell. And in a similar situation, I received an email from someone in a small-town church, upset that the church had just hired a new full time youth pastor — who’s an open homosexual. The senior pastor and that Church Board justified it by saying this new sodomite “youth pastor” was celibate and therefore, there was no cause for concern. But whose values will this so-called “youth pastor” be representing to the kids?

In yet another case, when a Christian discovered their town would also be hosting a “Pride” and “Drag Queen” event — also advertised as “Family-Friendly,” with “everyone welcome, especially the kids,” they contacted me in a panic and said, “I heard you would come and host an alternative Christian event in a different park for us.”

No, I had to explain…that’s not how it works. Yes, we are hosting a “Natural Family Festival” in a small town here in Wisconsin — the first of its kind in the nation — as an alternative to a “Pride” and “Drag Queen” festival, to be held in the same town, on the same day in another city park, just four blocks away. To put this together, our ministry joined forces with the Natural Family Foundation ( — and we’ve worked very hard developing this concept, working out the details and organizing the event, which will, Lord willing, provide a stark contrast for all to see — the shameful debauchery taking place four blocks away, where children are lured and brainwashed into celebrating sodomy and questioning their genders, versus God’s plan for the Natural Family.

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