Hillary Releases Merchandise Ahead of Endorsement


by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

The Democrats are preparing to switch out the only candidate they have permitted to run. The mainstream media has begun reporting on Biden’s faults in a calculated move to prepare the public for the big switch. The Democrats believe Hillary Clinton is the only one who could beat Donald Trump. She secured the popular vote in 2018, and they know she is not merely aligned with the establishment but is also one of the ringleaders. Why else would a “former” politician begin releasing merchandise?

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Hillary took to social media amid the Trump witch hunt trial to boast that she was right all along. “Turns out she was right all along” has become Clinton’s new catchphrase and reminds the public why they simply cannot stand this smug woman. Her merchandise features her new phrase along with an image of her sipping tea.

“We recently had some new merch made based on a phrase I hear a lot. The design happened to be finalized today. With your purchase, you’ll support Onward Together groups defending democracy… and get a pretty great mug to sip tea from,” Hillary Clinton wrote in a post to Instagram.

Clinton is also poking fun at her past illegal activities that Trump attacked her on to downplay their seriousness. “But her emails,” is another catchphrase that people can purchase on hats, shirts, tote bags, or mugs. She also has released a number of items highlighting abortion as she believes that one-issue voters will automatically vote her in. “It shouldn’t be harder to obtain an abortion than an AR-15,” one of her slogans says. “None of us should accept a future in which our daughters and granddaughters have fewer rights than we do,” another reads.

Similar to how Joe Biden demanded all black Americans cast a vote for him, saying their entire race would be in question if they didn’t vote blue, Hillary wrongly assumes all women will vote for her. She came out the other week to blame women voters for her last election loss, stating that they expected her to be “perfect” and let her down. “They left me because they just couldn’t take a risk on me, because as a woman, I’m supposed to be perfect. They were willing to take a risk on Trump — who had a long list of, let’s call them flaws, to illustrate his imperfection — because he was a man, and they could envision a man as president and commander in chief,” she told a news outlet.

Forget wars or the cost of living crisis – why doesn’t half of the population want abortions above all else? Clinton is completely out of touch with the average American.

The super PAC supporting her merchandise is the same one that she personally created in 2016 when she was a presidential nominee. Donald Trump has every outlet imaginable creating merchandise in his favor because he is extremely popular with the people. Hillary is using her own political organization, Onward Together, to begin campaigning.

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