Monday, December 16, 2024

The smackdown of leftwing climate globalists shocks Europe


by Dr. Steve LaTulippe, America Outloud:

The European Union, in cahoots with the globalist tyrants, has been hellbent on forcing the planet into a state of submissive chaos. Their end game is to destroy the world as we know it in exchange for their oppressive dystopia. But their elitist-funded power surge has been ground-faulted by strong resistance from freedom-loving people across Europe. They have tasted freedom, if only by proxy. By way of our presumed nemesis, social media, the world has learned a valuable lesson from Donald Trump: put your country’s people first!


European patriots spoke loudly at the ballot box in multiple countries across the continent, resulting in the smackdown of woke white-collar terrorists like France’s President Emmanuel Macron by Marine LePen’s National Rally in the European Parliament vote. The highly unpopular socialist Macron decided to call a snap election, meaning he dissolved the Assemblée Nationale in the hopes of staying what now appears to be a clear institutional crisis in France. The move was a big gamble for Macron. But what has he to lose? Hopefully, everything.

Other labeled “far-right” parties (actually centrists) saw large gains in the parliamentary elections. The Socialist Democrats (SPD) lost both to the center-right alliance of the Christian Democrat Union and Christian Social Union (CDU/CSU) in Bavaria and to Germany’s right-populist Alternative for Germany (AfD). The CDU/CSU gained 15 seats, and the AfD won 15 seats, while the SPD party of German Chancellor Olaf Schulz secured only 14 seats. Italy’s rightwing Brothers of Italy party, led by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, also saw large gains in votes.

At first glance, one would assume we are seeing the Green parties suddenly collapsing. Are the European Parliament elections telling us something? What is the driving force behind this rightwing shift? And where is it taking us?

The answer has to lie in the fundamental construct of the human mind. Mankind, in general, enjoys liberty, peace, and prosperity. Even non-religious people tend to have within their God-given fabric a devotion to a live-and-let-live ethos. Why? Logistics. Chances are, if I let my neighbor do his own thing in peace, then hopefully, the benevolence will be reciprocated. If I’m threatened, that same neighbor is a potential ally.

That same ethos drives people to despise vicious despots, especially rulers who have nothing but the pain and suffering of the people on their minds. So, it is with the present globalist faction. Genocide and population control are their delights. What have they to offer but a reign of chaos and terror? And people have had enough of it. This might explain Prime Minister Modi’s third successful election in India. It might also explain the rising fury against radical Muslims shouting their “death to the world” threats.

The unfolding of a powerful resistance movement in Europe is likely the beginning of a strong pushback. Not only have people tasted the gift of freedom, but they have also tasted the “gift” of open borders, anything-goes sexual perversion, DEI dysfunction, “green” energy mythology, and everything woke, and they find it most unpalatable.

But this isn’t just a European movement. First and foremost, it is an echoing of the MAGA principles espoused by the America First patriot movement initiated by President Trump.

Yes, even in the New Dark Age of cancel culture, America is now radiating a beacon of hope to the world against the present dark forces. The globalist coffin will be designed and made in America with American materials, if anywhere. Its technology isn’t likely to be stolen by Communist China.

It’s just possible we are already living in the early stages of a second American revolution. When and how it will culminate is knowledge that belongs to God alone. But America’s fate seems closely interconnected with the world’s fate. And that’s precisely why the world is rooting for Donald Trump and a sustained free America. Our freedom assures their freedom. They hope in America still.

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