America Has Its First Show Trial


by Dennis Prager, Townhall:

To understand the damage done by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, Judge Juan Merchan, and the Manhattan jury in the Donald Trump corporate records trial, one must first understand the most important rule of modern life: Everything the Left touches it destroys.

The Justice Department and the American legal system are only the most immediate examples.

Here are 25 other examples:

1. Universities.


2. High schools.

3. Elementary schools.

4. Children’s innocence.

5. Marriage and family.

6. Children who say they are the other sex.

7. Journalism.

8. Women’s psychological health.

9. Black life.

10. Black-white relations.

11. Art.

12. Music.

13. Architecture.

14. The military.

15. The FBI.

16. The CDC and NIH.

17. The American Medical Association and most other medical associations.

18. Medical schools.

19. Free speech.

20. Women’s sports.

21. The border.

22. Religion.

23. The economy.

24. Fighting crime.

25. America’s major cities.

In the case of the Trump trial, the Left has done something never done before in American history: put on trial a former president and the opposition political party candidate for president.

The Left responds that it was morally necessary to do something heretofore associated only with corrupt dictatorships because Donald Trump had engaged in criminal activities that heretofore no presidential candidate or ex-president has ever engaged in. And “no one is above the law.”

But this response is a lie. The reason for the trial was the same reason dictatorships put opponents on trial: to prevent them from assuming or regaining power.

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