In Its Pursuit Of Power, The Democrat Party Openly Allies With Jihadists


by Al Bienenfeld, American Thinker:

Thanks to progressive Democrat control over educational institutions, media, and the administrative state, Democrats are encouraging an environment that is eerily like 1930s Nazi Germany. As in Germany, many institutions of higher education have become Marxist indoctrination centers that work together with Muslims to overthrow the West, destroy Christianity, and slaughter Jews.

Currently, Marxists and Muslims are perfectly aligned. They believe in statism and complete obedience to the state, political violence, and murderous hatred for Jews and Christians. To achieve power, they are willing (temporarily) to embrace the leftist obsession with race and homosexuality.


This alliance explains why Marxists have substantially increased Muslim immigration into America, spurred on by eight years of Barack Obama’s pro-Iranian presidency. American Thinker readers will recall that one of Obama’s early acts was his “American apology tour.” Watching an American President bow before the Saudi Muslim head of state was sickening. Obama, who many believe is Muslim, also swooned over the beauty of the Islamic call to prayer and put Islam, a bit player in America, into a position of preeminence in our history.

Image by Andrea Widburg.

The Muslim anarchy that is on full display today is Obama’s doing. It was part of his plan to destroy Israel, the world’s only Jewish state, with America following as the larger target.

The American left is fed and driven by hate. Leftists feed off destruction. To maintain their coalition with Islam, they endorse their age-old hatred of the Jews and jihad to eliminate the Judeo-Christian world. Leftists do this effortlessly because they share Islam’s beliefs in these matters. Their main contribution to the mutually agreed upon goal is a compliant media skilled at propaganda to move matters forward.

In 2024, the Democrats have allowed and encouraged violent, illegal antisemitic protests on college campuses. They’ve done the same with equally illegal protests that block highways leading to airports, stop busy bridge traffic, close major thoroughfares, and break into Congressional hearings (which isn’t an “insurrection” when they do it).

Their approved actions ignore the fact that there are limits to free speech when you encroach on public safety or explicitly call for illegal activity. That’s why calls to exterminate Jews cross the line. But still, for months, Democrat institutions made (and many still make) no attempt to discourage the mobs calling for death to Israel and the Jews. In Dearborn, Michigan, Muslim protesters also shouted, “Death to America.”

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