House Farm Bill Aims To Prevent Communist China From Purchasing More US Farmland, Much Of It Near Military Installations And Bases


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

The upcoming House Farm Bill will contain measures to restrict foreign entities like China from scooping up American farmland in a big win for national security

What is the point of spending billions on bombers and tanks if you allow one of your biggest enemies, Communist China for example, to purchase hundreds of thousands of acres of prime US farmland, often times within minutes from a major military base? Is there no one watching the gates in Washington DC, or is this part of the plan?


Republican congresswoman Ashley Hinson is sponsoring her ‘Farm Bill’ which, if passed, would stop Communist China from buying up any more US farmland. It is mindboggling to think this is a ‘new idea’ in Washington, something that should have been passed long ago. One reason that Adolf Hitler was so effective in his conquests during WWII is that he was always scheming behind the scenes, long after others were asleep, Hitler was up and making plans for world domination. This is what China is doing right now, have we learned nothing from history? Apparently not.

How Republican Ashley Hinson’s ‘Farm Bill’ provision could stop China’s buy out of U.S. farmland – as it’s revealed communist adversary has bought 347,000 acres

FROM THE DAILY MAIL UK: Foreign entities own a total of 40 million acres of U.S. farmland and China has bought up nearly 347,000 acres, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Now lawmakers are working to further restrict China and other adversaries from snatching up coveted land in the fiscal year 2024 ‘Farm Bill.’

Rep. Ashley Hinson, R-Iowa, who represents a heavy agricultural district, says it’s critical to stop China in order to protect U.S. food supply chains and bolster national security.

‘Communist China shouldn’t be allowed to buy another acre of American farmland, nor should we rely upon our top foreign adversary for key parts of our food supply chain,’ Hinson exclusively told

The Chinese land purchases near important U.S. military instillations have been a particular concern for lawmakers and government officials.

In 2022, for example, the China-based food producer, Fufeng Group, acquired 300 acres of land in Grand Forks, just 20 minutes down the road from the Grand Forks Air Force Base, where some of the nation’s most sensitive drone technology is based.

Air Force Major Jeremy Fox wrote a memo that year characterizing the move as being emblematic of Chinese efforts to install themselves close to sensitive US defense installations. He argued that the Fufeng property is located at just the right location for the company to intercept communications coming from the Air Force base.

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