WHO Pandemic Treaty Fails, For Now – With Stage Set For Absolute Health Tyranny, We Must Keep Up The Fight! This Treaty Hands Over All ‘Health Freedom’ To Tyrannical Oligarchs


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

– Biden’s Treachery, Likely To Sign Treaty Into Law Anyways

Just yesterday on Monday, May 27 (our Memorial Day), the Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly (WHA) met and began the process of approving the World Health Organization (WHO) Pandemic Treaty and the amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR). Many objections to these proposals have been raised to date, and powerfully-worded letters have been signed urging Biden not to sign the globalist power grab. But a not-much-talked-about document has been released by the White House that may indicate what Biden is likely to support. Yet fortunately, as heard in the first two videos below, the pandemic treaty has so far failed, for now. But we MUST KEEP UP THE FIGHT!!

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The two documents overlap in many ways but do appear to have some distinguishing features. The “Pandemic Treaty” appears to be a business deal that is designed to redirect billions of dollars of public and private funds to dramatically expand the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex (PHEIC) into poor countries in order to access more of Big Pharma’s drugs and injections.

The IHR, according to the WHO website, is “an instrument of international law that is legally-binding on 196 countries, including the 194 WHO Member States.” These amendments aim to establish control over member nations on things like vaccines, medical treatment protocols, laboratory diagnostics, tests and medications; onsite investigations; the implementation of lockdowns; access to health services and products; surveillance; and censoring “misinformation and disinformation,” to mention a few. 

Fortunately, these sovereignty-killing agreements have been strongly opposed in the United States and abroad.

On May 1, a letter signed by all 49 GOP senators was sent to President Biden urging him not to sign the WHO Pandemic Agreement and IHR amendments or, at the very least, to submit them to the Senate for approval as is appropriate under the Constitution.

On May 8th, another letter was sent to Biden from 22 state attorneys general opposing the federal government’s plans to concede national sovereignty to the WHO. The letter defiantly indicated that:

“Ultimately, the goal of these instruments isn’t to protect public health. It’s to cede authority to the WHO — specifically its Director-General — to restrict our citizens’ rights to freedom of speech, privacy, movement (especially travel across borders) and informed consent… We will resist any attempt to enable the WHO to directly or indirectly set public policy for our citizens.” [emphasis added] 

And just last week on May 22nd, 24 governors of largely red states affirmed that public health policy is a matter reserved for the states and not the government or international bodies like the WHO. It also stated clearly that, “We are committed to resisting any attempts to transfer authority to the WHO over public policy affecting our citizens or any efforts by the WHO to assert such authority over them.”

It should also be noted that in March the Louisiana Senate passed Bill No. 133 barring the WHO, the United Nations, and the World Economic Forum from enforcing any rule, regulation, fee, tax, policy from having authority over the state’s citizens. And on May 11, governor of Florida Ron DeSantis signed what is probably the strongest packet of bills for medical freedom with Senate Bill 252, House Bill 1387, Senate Bill 1580 and Senate Bill 238. In addition to addressing a broad spectrum of related medical control issues, the legislation prohibits globalized public health institutions, like the WHO, from determining public health policy in Florida.

Such defiant reactions to the planned WHO health tyranny are certainly appropriate and appreciated by those of us who wish to retain our medical freedoms and informed consent. But what is Biden going to do in light of such rejections? Well, we’ll soon find out. But the White House has already left some crumbs that may signal where its allegiance lies.

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