They Did It to Trump, and They Can Do It to You


by Pete McArdle, American Thinker:

Let’s face it: most of us inhabit a dream world, a place where fairness, dignity, honor, and love for your fellow man reign.  Most of all, we wish for a safe world.

We need to feel at least marginally safe to stay sane.

But imagine suddenly realizing that there are dark forces aligned against you and lurking everywhere, ready and willing to take you down for the tiniest offense, real or imagined, against the state.  In other words, imagine you’re Donald Trump.

Let’s say you’ve been successful in life.  You’re wealthy, famous, beloved by members of both political parties, and blessed with a beautiful wife and five children.  You decide to run for high office.


And that’s when the nightmare begins.

Powerful people in the shadows spring into action, doing everything in their power to destroy you.  Their media mouthpieces go into overdrive, publicly slandering you as a deadbeat, a fraud, a wife-beater, and a sex fiend.  They make fun of your speech patterns, your hair, and the hue of your skin.  They call you a Russian pawn, imply you’ve been paid off, and then weave sordid tales of prostitutes urinating on a bed in Moscow for you.

Meanwhile, your political opponent, a frumpy, shrill harridan whose main claim to fame is simply staying married to her philandering, Epstein-bro husband, and whose laugh could shatter glass, knowingly concocts and funds the fiction of your traitorous Russian connections.

The corrupt, lying media then shout these lies from the rooftops, as does every politician from the opposing party.  Your own nominal political party is deafeningly silent.

Yet, somehow, the man on the street loves you, believes in your desire to make our country great, and happily elects you to the highest office in the land.

Immediately, the FBI begins conspiring in sundry ways to take you down.  They sneak into the White House and spring a perjury trap against one of your national security advisers, forcing you to let him go and ruining the man’s life pour encourager les autres.

Funny Business, Inc. proceeds to present false evidence to FISA courts — who, later, are none too upset about it — allowing bent Feebs to spy on your administration, your confidential communications with foreign leaders, and every aspect of your personal life.

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