America: Learning Life’s Lessons the Hard Way


by Justin Smith, The Burning Platform:

There’s so much to say right now, but much of it is beating a dead horse and repeating a lot of what I’ve already discussed in ad nauseam through the years.

I’ve had a few grains formulating here and there, but nothing the greater population will want to hear. So many are eat up with a bad case of the dumbass, and it’s enough to make a man want to vomit up his Cheerios.

I was recently asked if I could “write a sad story using only three words”. I replied, “Joe Biden lives.”


Forgive me for not being thrilled, America, over the prospect of voting for either a man who oversaw the largest suspension of liberty in U.S. history and the man who followed and is still trying to suppress freedom and liberty at every opportunity.

These are America’s choices?


Good luck to you, my countrymen. Y’All are going to need it. This election cycle is fouled up beyond all recognition.

And as tho it isn’t bad enough that America has her people being harassed and arrested overseas, by enemies and frenemies, such as Russia and Turkey, now Christian missionaries are being murdered in Haiti.

Maybe Americans will wake up to the fact that we just can’t help the entire world and some places are better off left alone.

The missionaries were an extremely young couple in their early twenties, and the woman was the daughter of Ben Baker, a Republican representative for Missouri. They were murdered by three truckloads of Haitian animals.

Christian love and charity is all well and good, but some cultures simply reject it outright with an animosity and violence that shakes many to their core.

Perhaps we Folks here in America should simply step back for a few years and stop sending our wealth and blood and treasure of our youths to foreign countries where Americans, especially Christians, are hated. Let the ignorant savages kill each other for forever and a day or until they finally realize and acknowledge they need civilization and the tools to function within it properly.

Let the savages rend, tear and hack one another to death, eat one another and finally die themselves when food and clean water run out, and let their bleached bones rest where they lay as a monument forever to their vile, evil, ignorant, repugnant pagan stupidity and their superstitious death cults.

Some people – some cultures – just aren’t worth saving. Haiti serves as a perfect example of such a case.

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