The effects of mRNA injections editing our genes could be devastating to our humanity


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

Yesterday, New Zealand’s Professor Michael Plank,  an “expert” in applied mathematics and biological modelling who has featured in various media outlets, advised everyone to get another covid vaccine.

As Dr. Guy Hatchard describes it, Plank advised everyone to roll the genetic dice one more time.

People’s risks are growing with each dose, Dr. Hatchard warns. And it’s not only the serious risks such as heart disease, stroke and cancer; it is also the risks associated with editing people’s genes.


“Genetic mechanisms in our cells support not just our health but also our behaviour and crucially our consciousness,” he says.  The effects on our humanity and consciousness are unknown and could be devastating.

One Last Throw of The Dice For Humanity

By Dr. Guy Hatchard

Professor Michael Plank of Covid-19 Aotearoa Modelling and Te Punaha Matatini Centre for Complex Systems and Networks is a mathematical biologist and epidemiologist commissioned by the New Zealand government to deliver mathematical modelling of covid-19 in support of the pandemic response.

[Yesterday], he advised us all to roll the genetic dice one more time and get another covid-19 mRNA vaccine to avoid winter illness. Is he up to date on the risks for the individual and humanity? Let’s find out.

Hatchard Report: One Last Throw of The Dice For Humanity, 23 May 2024 (11 mins)

A team of doctors at the authoritative Harvard Medical School is offering us another opinion in the journal The Neurohospitalist under the title ‘Fatal Post Covid mRNA-Vaccine Associated Cerebral Ischemia’. The study discusses a case of a thirty-year-old female recipient of the Moderna mRNA covid injection who subsequently developed circulatory and inflammatory problems in her brain followed by a fatal stroke.

The authors conclude: “The side effects of covid-19 infection and vaccination are still incompletely understood … clinicians should be aware of presentations like this one.”

Individual Risks are Growing with Each Vaccine

As we pointed out in our last article, the medical authorities really don’t know what is causing a surge in winter illness coming on top of our already overwhelmed hospital system. In an interview with Jamie Morton of the New Zealand Herald, Professor Plank references new so-called “FLiRT variants” of the JN.1 covid strain. Rather than pressing the fear button and urging one more throw of the covid-19 vaccine dice, Professor Plank might have drawn upon a couple of principles from Virology 101.

At this point in the pandemic, the biggest drivers of covid variation are actually covid-19 vaccines. The more covid vaccines, the more covid variants. Variants are running into uncountable millions. Among them, covid variants that evade covid-19 vaccines are set to flourish and spread.

Secondly, as we have referenced previously, repeated doses of covid vaccines cause Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (“VAIDS”).

Thirdly, as is now admitted in the scientific literature, the more mRNA covid-19 vaccine doses you have, the more exposed you become to serious risks, including heart disease, stroke and cancer.

We reported just days ago that prominent vaccine advocate Dr. Vinay Prasad is now suggesting that the evidence shows the risk of serious illness following mRNA covid vaccination outweighs any potential benefit.

The Gene Illusion That is Killing Us

Possibly, Professor Plank doesn’t read the Hatchard Report. Nor does it appear that Jennifer Doudna, inventor of the CRISPR gene editing technique. Doudna is an unrepentant advocate of our individual and collective biotechnology future. In her book ‘A Crack in Creation: Gene Editing and the Unthinkable Power to Control Evolution’ Doudna says:

On a more sober note, Doudna continues:

But don’t think that means Doudna has embraced precautionary thinking, she describes belief in the safety of gene editing as the “scientific consensus” and continues “… have no doubt, this technology will – someday, somewhere – be used to change the genome of our own species in ways that are heritable, forever altering the genetic composition of humankind.”

In fact, Doudna has no doubt that critics of rampant gene editing are fools, she is appalled by their ignorance. And concludes “human gene editing would almost assuredly never have the same catastrophic consequences as the detonation of a nuclear weapon.”

Doudna was writing in 2017 before the pandemic. Her assurances of safety were worthless. The millions of pandemic deaths that have scarred the world had not yet happened in 2017, but already an obscure laboratory in Wuhan was busy using Doudna’s CRISPR techniques to perform clandestine experiments to enhance coronaviruses. In effect, they were busy weaponising a version of the highly infectious common cold. Gain-of-function experiments that would end up editing humanity.

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