A Completely New Paradigm Could Change Everything


by Arjun Walia, The Pulse:

What if Schrodinger, Kastrup and Felton are correct, and that it’s the conditioned distinction our limited minds that makes any perceived difference between the physical and the mental and illusion?

A deep understanding that matter and energy are not two but one would also support the nondual “All is Consciousness” philosophers; however, it is something our current minds can’t accept – especially in view of our apparent forays into “outer space.”

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Not A Flat Earther – But….

I’ve always suspected that somehow, despite our apparent physical visits to the Moon and Mars, the entire notion of a vast purely material outer space might be a psychological illusion based on our limited brains and the limitations of our biological reality.

I do believe travel to other “planets” is possible but given the “apparent” distances, most likely not with rockets but perhaps with a change in our brains.  There is also the distinct possibility that our science is sorely lacking in terms of grasping the limitations of our own consciousness.

Philosopher Bernardo Kastrup seems to find fertile ground for investigating these phenomena in his long and detailed essay:  “UAPs and Non-Human Intelligence: What is the most reasonable scenario?”

Kastrup examines the UFO phenomenon from a variety of perspectives that proceed from the current state of having apparent physical evidence of anomalous phenomena (now branded as UAPs) and goes through some of the “official” findings and recent hearings.

I sat up when I read his references to the ideas of Jacques Vallee, a French researcher into UFOs who was represented by a character in Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind.  Vallee wrote a book called Dimensions which suggested that the UFO phenomenon transcended the human mind’s distinction between the material and mental or psychological.

Spielberg’s Film Touches on the “Psychological”

If you remember in Close Encounters the protagonist is inspired to create a model of the Devils Tower by a series of dreams that makes the people around him think he’s lost his mind.

And of course, the film ends with an actual physical encounter between humans and aliens that have somehow managed to bend our laws of physics to come out of the clouds to land a craft on top of the giant mesa.  The protagonist who dreamed of the landing joins a crew of astronauts who get on board.

But are the laws of physics that seem to constrain “space travel” bendable?

As long ago as 2013 astronomy journal Orion had an article claiming that:

NASA Discovers Hidden Portals in Earth’s Upper Atmosphere

“NASA recently reported that University of Iowa plasma physicist Jack Scudder discovered that there are regions in the Earth’s magnetic field that directly connect it to the magnetic field of the sun, across 93 million miles of space.

These mysterious regions, known as “magnetic portals” are thought to be opening and closing dozens of times every day.”

Portals and wormholes are common concepts on the History Channel but just as with good science fiction, where they also play a prominent role, ”real” science is catching up.

Are We Collectively Dreaming the Universe?

One of the problems that Bernardo Kastrup points to in his essay is that if the “universe” we see through our senses is illusory, then the entire idea of solar systems and planets is a conceit projected from a very limited mind – ours.

Perhaps this insight powerfully relates to Schrodinger’s famous statement that the total number of minds in the Universe is One?  Schrodinger of course is the guy who can’t know whether the cat in the box is dead or alive unless it is observed.

So what if Schrodinger is also correct in his contention that All is One mind?

Would that make you God?  Or perhaps, would that finally make the concept of a separate you obvious to be a complete fantasy?

If indeed All is One Mind and our senses are merely reducing it to bite sized chunks so that we think we “understand” reality, all of our current material-based science is suspect.

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