GEOTERRORISM ALERT! Weather Warfare is the preferred method of terrorist attack by the NWO globalist cabal because….


from State Of The Nation:

…the geoengineers always enjoy plausible
deniability, especially during the historical
bad weather seasons of the targeted city or


Submitted by The Weather Warfare Watcher

First, watch this bombshell video presentation from May 2, 2024 of Gov. Ron DeSantis tearing apart the New World Order globalist agenda in Florida.

For those who didn’t watch it, we’ll summarize.

DeSantis went on to list a staggering number of extremely aggressive gubernatorial initiatives and legislative achievements, each of which demolished various NWO schemes planned for all 50 states.

In point of fact, Team DeSantis, along with GOP-dominated statehouse, have passed more laws and approved more legislation to preemptively gut virtually every major globalist attack on states’ right than ALL the other 49 states put together.

Of course, such an openly combative public posture will not be tolerated by the Mother WEFfers and Davos meddlers.

So, as punishment, the NWO geoengineers routinely aim their most powerful and destructive weather weaponry at conservatives states like Florida and Texas.

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