NATO’s Soon-Impending Surrender to Russia in the Battlefields of Ukraine


by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

French President Emmanuel Macron’s desperate move to get individual NATO member nations to send their troops into Ukraine so as to stave off and prevent Ukraine’s defeat by Russia in the current war between Russia and Ukraine, was endorsed on April 22nd by the Rhodesist U.S. Council on Foreign Relations’s Foreign Affairs journal’s publication of “Europe — but Not NATO — Should Send Troops to Ukraine”. This idea of sending troops from America’s colonies (‘allies’) into Ukraine is similar to America’s own desperate move to send yet another $61 billion to Ukraine for the very same purpose: to win that NATO proxy-war against Russia. On May 2nd, the Foreign Affairs journal of the Rhodesist CFR headlined “American Aid Alone Won’t Save Ukraine: To Survive, Kyiv Must Build New Brigades — and Force Moscow to Negotiate”.


Russia did negotiate in March and April of 2022, and offered Ukraine a deal they accepted (banning Ukraine from NATO, and stipulating that Russia will  retain Crimea), but then UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson went to Kiev on April 9th, and instructed Zelensky to reject the deal. Ever since then, Russia’s terms have increased, not decreased, and the only way that this war can possibly end — short of a nuclear WW3 — will be by Ukraine’s capitulation. In other words: short of an escalation to nuclear war (which would destroy the world), a defeat of Ukraine by Russia (in a non-nuclear war) is now inevitable and the only question is when that capitulation by Ukraine will occur. There are increasing signs that it will occur soon.

The great American investigative journalist in Russia, John Helmer, headlined on May 2nd, “CANADA IS LOSING ITS WAR AGAINST RUSSIA SO IT HAS THREATENED SENIOR ARMY OFFICERS WITH COURT MARTIAL FOR ‘DISLOYALTY’”, and he provided some of the most convincing evidence to-date about the imminent collapse of NATO in this war; so, I shall here excerpt enough of it so as to give a sense of it and of its cited evidences:

A senior Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) officer, who is the Assistant Chief of Staff at the NATO Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC), faces court martial, “dismissal with disgrace”, and loss of his military pension for having disagreed with Canadian, American, and British military planners of Ukrainian battlefield operations against Russia. His disagreement was in private, when the officers were asking for his professional assessment, and didn’t like what he told them.

Colonel Robert Kearney was charged by the Canadian military police on April 23. The charge sheet says he faces “five (5) x counts of Conduct Prejudice to the Good Order and Discipline pursuant to section 129 of the National Defence Act.”

Public disclosure was delayed by the Department of National Defence in Ottawa until Monday, April 29, when a press release claimed Kearney had been under investigation since another officer filed a complaint against Kearney last November. According to the ministry statement, the military police had “received a complaint of a senior CAF officer allegedly making derogatory and disloyal comments about Senior CAF and NATO members.”

Section 129 of the law refers to “any act, conduct, disorder or neglect”, but it doesn’t define what “good order or discipline” means in the Kiev and Lvov bunkers where Canadians tell the Ukrainians what to do. Canadian sources believe the law has rarely been used against an officer of colonel’s rank, and never in a court martial of an officer for warning that military plans risked loss of Canadian lives and resources.

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