Mainstream Media Now Claims People Who Want To Have Babies Are ‘Far Right’


by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

The mainstream media now claims that people who want to reproduce are overwhelming likely to be “far right white nationalists.”

A new report by far-left Politico warns that human reproduction is an “obsession” of white supremacists. reports: The article focuses on a recent natal convention , and states that “The far right is so obsessed with making babies, they just held a whole conference about it.”


They are even using a political term for this ‘movement’, Natalism.

Wikipedia says the term Natalism (also called pronatalism or the pro-birth position) dates from 1971, and “is an ideology that promotes the reproduction of human life as an important objective of being human and advocates high birthrate.”

Apparently it’s no longer just a fact that the reproduction of human life is an important objective of being human. After all, if there is no reproduction of human life, there is no being human to be had.

The Politico piece, written by Gaby Del Valle, who “is a reporter whose work focuses on immigration, surveillance and the far right,” makes light of the fact that global fertility rates are in a tailspin.

It reads, “The threat, we are told here this weekend, is existential, biological, epoch-defining. Economies will fail, civilizations will fall, and it will all happen because people aren’t having enough babies.”

It goes on to argue that the people attending the ‘NatalCon’ are more concerned with “a total social overhaul” and “breeding a new majority — one that looks and sounds just like them.”

It suggests that concerns over higher instances of divorce, the break down of the traditional family in modern society and the rise of ideologies like transgenderism are just a part of “liberal democracy,” and that those concerned about them impacting the global human population and society as a whole are just being a bit silly.

“In recent years, various factions of the old and the new right have coalesced around the idea that babies might be the cure for everything that’s wrong with society,” Del Valle writes, going on to intimate that really these ‘natalists’ are just bigoted and anti-immigration, and that immigration is really the way to solve the decline in birth rates.

She then throw in some “white supremacy” stuff for no reason other than to disingenuously conflate it with people who think having babies is a good thing.

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