Three smug Dems get walloped by crime karma, including Adam Schiff, whose fancy suit was just stolen…


from Revolver News:

Do you believe God has a sense of humor? After reading this story, you will, because he’s having a hilarious field day with political elites in the failing Golden State. Adam ‘Pencil Neck’ Schiff, the poster child for political elites, found himself in a bit of a pickle that perfectly highlighted the failing, miserable policies of him and his Marxist regime buddies. Picture this: Schiff is set to attend some fancy political shindig in San Francisco, only to have his car raided and all his bags swiped from the parking garage. He was forced to attend the elitist event in his lowly “peasant clothes.”


Quite the wardrobe malfunction. So, there he is, poor Schiffy, reduced to hobnobbing with his wealthy pals in “regular clothes.” Oh, the horror. The really strange part of this story is that we all know Schiff is swimming in DC’s murky waters, so you’d think he’d have enough blackmail money stashed away to buy a whole wardrobe of monkey suits. It seems like he was angling for a quick PR boost but didn’t think it through. Liberal cities are already in a state of despair, thanks to failed policies and soft-on-crime politicians, and this incident just solidified that. It’s like adding fuel to the fire of public frustration. What’s also bizarre is how everyone in the photo is sporting big smiles. Deep down, they must realize that things have gotten so bad and picked over that the bad guys are now coming for them, right? It’s like they’re posing for a family portrait while the mansion burns down behind them.

Kyle Becker:


“I guess it’s ‘Welcome to San Francisco’.”

Adam Schiff is ROBBED in San Francisco causing him to show up at a meeting with no suit.

The San Francisco Chronicle tried (and failed) to make light of the thievery.

“Hello to the city, goodbye to your luggage. That was Senatorial candidate Adam Schiff’s rude introduction to San Francisco’s vexing reputation for car burglaries Thursday when thieves swiped the bags from his car while it sat in a downtown parking garage,” the Chronicle ‘reported.’

“The heist meant the Democratic congressman got stuck at a fancy dinner party in his shirt sleeves and a hiking vest while everyone else sat in suits,” the report added. “Not quite the look the man from Burbank was aiming for as he rose to thank powerhouse attorney Joe Cotchett for his support in his bid to replace the late Dianne Feinstein in the U.S. Senate.”

“I guess it’s ‘Welcome to San Francisco’,” one dinner guest quipped.

When it comes to liars like Adam Schiff who say that crime in Democrat-run cities isn’t a real problem, the emperor now truly wears no clothes.

Meanwhile, smash-and-grab robberies have exploded in California. One such robbery occurred a few months back in broad daylight in Glendale. $60,000 in merchandise was looted in the coordinated incident.

Critics have pointed to zero cash bail and progressive policies that have lowered the threshold to make arrests as a driving factor in rising crime rates.

Meanwhile, L.A. Mayor Karen Bass was the victim of a burglary at her home this weekend. San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan’s security guard was attacked on live television.

Radical Democrats are finally suffering the consequences of their pro-criminal policies.

You hate to see it. But then again, do you really?

And the saga doesn’t stop with Schiff. A string of attacks has been unleashed against left-wing political figures, continuing the “hilarious karma” storyline. Just yesterday, San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan’s security detail was ambushed on live TV.

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