Whistleblower Was Involved in Biden Schemes Trump Wanted Probed


by M Dowling, Independent Sentinel:

Newly obtained emails from former Vice President Joe Biden’s office reveal that the ‘whistleblower’ who sparked Donald Trump’s first impeachment was deeply involved in the political maneuverings behind Biden-family business schemes in Ukraine that Trump wanted probed.

This is the case where Biden demanded the firing of Ukraine prosecutor Viktor Shokin. Biden tied it to US aid for Ukraine. Biden was guilty of what Trump was impeached for doing. Trump did nothing wrong.

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In 2019, then-National Intelligence Council analyst Eric Ciaramella accused Donald Trump of tying Ukraine aide to an investigation of Joe Biden’s illicit Ukraine dealings. Donald Trump was impeached and not convicted, but he did not tie the two together. It was never true.

From RealClearWire

But four years earlier, while working as a national security analyst attached to then-Vice President Joe Biden’s office, Ciaramella was a close adviser when Biden threatened to cut off U.S. aid to Ukraine unless it fired its top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, who was investigating Ukraine-based Burisma Holdings. At the time, the corruption-riddled energy giant was paying Biden’s son Hunter millions of dollars.

Those payments – along with other evidence tying Joe Biden to his family’s business dealings – received little attention in 2019 as Ciaramella accused Trump of a corrupt quid pro quo. Neither did subsequent evidence indicating that Hunter Biden’s associates had identified Shokin as a “key target.” These matters are now part of the House impeachment inquiry into President Biden.

This was likely exculpatory evidence kept from the defense.

Prof. Jonathan Turley pointed that out. “Trump was alleging there was a conflict of interest with the Bidens, and the evidence could have challenged Biden’s account and established his son’s interest in the Shokin firing.”

Prosecutor Shokin

Mr. Shokin wishes Joe Biden luck because “he’ll need it.” In his opinion, Biden’s “moral and individual qualities are very low.”

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