The Brainwashing of America


by Jeannie DeAngelis, American Thinker:

America was once a nation of free-thinking individualists priding themselves on the constitutional idea that God ordained and endowed each person as an end unto himself with rights to think, act, believe, and behave according to personal thoughts, conscience, and individual interest. According to the Declaration of Independence, those “inalienable rights” include life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Therefore, because government’s power is derived from the consent of the free, the job of those running the country is to “secure,” not undermine those rights and freedoms.


Our nation’s Founders knew that the nature of individualism is what stimulates the kind of spirit that brings about the sort of advances America has achieved since its founding. Yet, by trusting humans to think, act, and live according to their beliefs, the framers left the door wide open for enemies of liberty to infiltrate the minds and hearts of the easily influenced.

Brainwashing is defined as “the process of pressuring someone into adopting radically different beliefs by using systematic and often forcible means.” In case you haven’t noticed, that is the kind of pressuring presently threatening the “blessings of liberty.” From smooth-talking Marxists to leftist media outlets to communist legislators, trusting Americans are being forcibly pressured to relinquish political, social, and religious ideals and to embrace the dysfunctional regimentation being imposed on them by those who intrinsically despise this nation. This process is being successfully accomplished through climate panic, collectivism, illegal immigration, lack of election integrity, constitutional disrespect, as well as the demonization of whole swaths of good Americans.

Those who diligently pressure Americans into “adopting radically different beliefs” are slick salesman types who have been elevated to positions of global influence and celebrity status. The loudest voices are those with smooth didactic ability to propagandize regular folks with rhetorical footwork so persuasive that if words were dance steps they would blow away Fred and Ginger on the dance floor.

What would the men who framed our Constitution have to say about an American president calling the document they drafted with much prayer, counsel, and heated debate, “a deeply flawed… charter of negative liberties?” What would Adams, Franklin, Hamilton, John Jay, Jefferson, Madison, and George Washington think about an American president suggesting that the nation that prides itself on freedom is in dire need of having government do things on the individual’s behalf?

Lest we forget, blood was shed to gain what America once deemed sacrosanct. Therefore, what would those who died to protect freedom have say about militant haters being let loose on cities, terrorizing citizens, chanting “death to America,” toppling historic statues, and setting landmarks on fire?

Would the Framers shrink back in shame as current leaders chide victims, justify violence, and mark those who disagree with all things un-American the reason for the insurgency they sanction? Yet, rather than righteous indignation, the national temperament exudes a sense of corporate guilt for crimes none of us committed.

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