Homeowners Forced to Provide Squatters Free Utilities


from Moonbattery:

It isn’t enough that decent people be forced to turn over their homes to lowlifes. In ultraliberal New York, homeowners must provide the parasites with free utilities — or face arrest:

Under New York City law, anyone who lives in a home or apartment for at least 30 days can claim squatter’s rights, even if they broke into the property without permission from the owner. …

Several homeowners told CBS that they would be “arrested instantly” if they were to change the locks, evict the squatters, or turn off necessities such as hot water. They are forced to pay for the upkeep of the homes while squatters, many of whom are illegal immigrants, get to live in them for free.

Intolerable? Apparently not, because we all tolerate the same situation by living under a kleptocracy that forces us to provide goods and services for those who did not earn them.

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Maybe the anarchotyrannical moonbats running New York are doing us a favor. By shining a klieg light on the moral depravity of liberalism, they might inspire us to defend our property and liberty like our ancestors would have done.

Read More @ Moonbattery.com