It Is Statistically Impossible For So Many Animal Proteins, Chicken, Beef And Pork, To Be ‘Naturally’ Under Attack At One Time – More Likely To Be A Bioweapon Against Humanity


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

We at ANP have previously covered the fact that cattle inventory is at the lowest point we have seen in 73 years, but recent reports about beef and chicken issues, makes things exponentially worse.

Before getting into the recent flood of news, a little reminder of something we shared in the comments the other day, so we can ask readers to share their results in the comment section, using the new Biden Mart website.

The website set up by the Make America Great Again PAC, asks you to check foods that you would normally buy at the grocery store for you and/or your family, and calculates the difference in prices from present day to before Biden started occupying the White House. It also provides the percentage costs have risen in that time frame.


The reason we find this  website so handy is that year over year, due to the massive inflation during Biden’s term in office, the price increases, while large each year, as we have all felt while shopping, stand out like a neon sign when you see the visual of how much prices have risen collectively over the past three-plus years.

Now for the headlined news.

While “drought” has been blamed for much of the low cattle stocks, there is no way we can reasonably believe that the series of events listed below, drought included, are “natural,” or possible to occur at the same time.

On top of geoengineering the weather, the sickness, avian flu, seems to have jumped to animals other than birds. Guess they have to make up some other name for it now, since avian means “relating to birds.”

Considering the WEF & Democrats (same thing, I know), have been campaigning against meat, specifically beef (Its those cow farts, don’t ya know!), and the push for people to eat “insect protein,”  how can anyone possibly think it is coincidence that our meat supply is “naturally” coming under attack, by weather and viruses?

Think on that question as you read below.

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