from State Of The Nation:
Is this how they plan to eventually
lock down planet Earth?
What else needs to be said about this transparently staged COVID-19 Plandemic after all the naked and veiled attempts to enact Medical Martial Law via the WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty?!
By their own actions, it’s now clear that OPERATION COVID-19 was a pretext to foist the long planned WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty upon the entire world community of nations.
Of course, there are many pieces to this conspiracy puzzle, but they’re all leading to the same outcome—an unparalleled lockdown of planet Earth by way of a future Medical Martial Law scenario.
Really, is there any other way to incarcerate humanity so quickly
and efficiently than by establishing Medical Martial Law in 2024
and beyond via the WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty?
Medical Martial Law pretext
There are some very obvious reasons why the New World Order globalist cabal is still on a very serious mission to see every nation be able to declare Medical Martial Law in the future under the new WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty.
Not in any particular order are just a few of the NWO initiatives of which the failed COVID-19 Plandemic will still be used as a pretext to legislatively carry out. Medical Martial Law could easily either provide cover for the following dictatorial endeavors; it would also permit governments to arrogate power unto themselves which they do not legitimately possess. For instance, legalizing a worldwide mandatory flu vaccination regime can much more easily be accomplished in the wake of this global health disaster, if the NWO cabal is successful in passing the WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty.
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