8 Extremely Unusual Events That Will Happen During The Month Of April


by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

When is the last time that there was so much buzz about one month?  As we enter April, there is so much anticipation in the air, and it isn’t just because of the Great American Eclipse on April 8th.  In recent days, I have heard from so many people that feel like something really big is about to happen.  I can feel it too.  It is almost as if we are all holding our breath as we wait for the next shoe to drop.  Chaos is threatening to erupt all over the globe, and meanwhile signs in the heavens are literally screaming at us to pay attention.  The following are 8 extremely unusual events that will happen during the month of April…

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#1 As we enter the month of April, the “Devil Comet” has become visible to the naked eye in the northern hemisphere

Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks – also known as the “devil comet” and the “Mother of Dragons” comet – is currently visible in the night skies of the northern hemisphere, providing a unique spectacle for both amateur stargazers and professional astronomers.

This Halley-type comet, which orbits the Sun every 71 years and has a nucleus about 30 kilometers in diameter, is known for its impressive outbursts of gas and dust during its voyages through the inner solar system.

This is the very first time that we have been able to see this comet with the naked eye in 71 years, and it will continue to be visible for those of us living in the northern hemisphere during the weeks ahead.

#2 On April 4th, that will be an extraordinary alignment of 4 planets just 4 days before the Great American Eclipse of 2024…

The next planetary alignment takes place on April 4, 2024. It will feature four planets – Venus, Neptune, Saturn, and Mars. The planets will align in the morning sky. Venus, Saturn, and Mars will be visible to the naked eye, but you’ll need a telescope or high-powered binoculars to see Neptune.

#3 On April 8th, the seven other planets in our solar system along with the sun and the moon will appear to form a straight line in the sky when looking from Jerusalem toward the east.  This was discovered by a friend of mine named Rachel Baxter, and the following is a graphic of that “line in the sky” that she sent to me…

Rachel asked ChatGPT to tell her how rare it is to have a straight line like this, and she was told that it would only happen once every 32 million years.

#4 Also on April 8th, CERN is planning to fire up the Large Hadron Collider

The world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator is set smash protons together on April 8 to search for invisible particles secretly powering our universe.

Theories have suggested there are 17 different particle groups and the European Organization for Nuclear Research, better known as CERN, confirmed the existence of one using its Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in 2012.

Now, the team has restarted the LHC with hopes of unraveling more mysteries of the universe – specifically dark matter.

Why in the world would CERN choose to do this on April 8th?

We are being told that they plan to shoot particles “down a 17-mile-long tunnel at nearly the speed of light to recreate conditions a second after the Big Bang”.

That doesn’t exactly sound like it is a good idea.

Let us just hope that nothing goes wrong.

#5 The most anticipated event of April is the Great American Eclipse of 2024.  USA Today is calling it “the astronomical event of the decade”

We’re less than two weeks away from the astronomical event of the decade: A total eclipse of the sun, which will grace the nation’s skies from Texas to Maine on the afternoon of Monday, April 8.

Millions of people are expected to travel to see the spectacle, which will also attract scientists from across the country to study its unique effects on the Earth and its atmosphere.

#6 As the eclipse passes over America on April 8th, NASA will be firing three rockets “into the moon’s shadow”

NASA has announced it will fire three scientific sounding rockets into the moon’s shadow on Monday, April 8 during a partial solar eclipse across North America.

In what will be a total solar eclipse for a 115 miles-wide path through parts of Mexico, 15 U.S. states and Canada and a partial solar eclipse for the entire Americas, the event will see a sudden drop in sunlight.

For some strange reason, NASA has chosen to name this project after a serpent deity that was popular in ancient Egypt

The space agency’s project, Atmospheric Perturbations Around The Eclipse Path, will investigate how that drop in sunlight and temperature affects Earth’s upper atmosphere. APEP is named after the serpent deity from ancient Egyptian mythology, nemesis of the sun deity Ra, according to NASA.

#7 Ominously, on April 8th the Great American Eclipse of 2024 will complete the giant “X” over the New Madrid fault zone that the Great American Eclipse of 2017 began.  I feel so strongly that this is a very important warning to America that I put it on the cover of my latest book.

#8 During the month of April, the “cicadapocalypse” is coming.  As I discussed earlier this year, for the first time since Thomas Jefferson was president billions of 13-year cicadas and billions of 17-year cicadas will emerge from the ground simultaneously

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