The POTUS Imposter Proves That He’s Also A Flaming Arsehole


from State Of The Nation:

When no one thought it was possible, Joe Biden just
outdid himself by proving to the whole world that he’s
really a:

Exactly, how did Biden just do that? Read on.

SOTN Editor’s Note: Obviously it’s not Joe Biden who is continuously and irreparably tearing the fabric of American society. The super fool is simply too drug addled, demented and daffy to carry out the wholesale destruction of the American Republic. However, he was carefully selected by his Khazarian masters because of being the most corruptible and criminal political reprobate in modern US history.


The true perps behind the collapse of the USA are the Khazarian-directed agents of Cultural Marxism of which there are legions who have been strategically positioned throughout the U.S. Federal Government, Corporate America, Major Universities and Colleges, NGOs, etc. See: A Short Exposé of the Devastating Agenda of Cultural Marxism

Bottom Line: First our enemies seek to completely destroy American culture  and society so that the collapse from within will make US much more vulnerable to an invasion from the outside … just as the successive waves of illegal alien invasions are being engineered to irreversibly change the very nature of this nation. See: AMERICAN BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION: Here’s how you know when they’re crossing the Rubicon

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