We Must Have Courage To Take Back Our Country


by Allan J. Feifer, American Thinker:

The America that I knew regularly performed miracles. We put men on the moon, dug the Panama Canal, invented the atomic bomb, and created the transistor. There was no limit to what we could do. Nothing seemed impossible.

Fifty years ago, the seeds of our destruction were planted with the beginning of the social justice movement, the anti-war movement, identity politics, and alternatives promoted as equal to or superior to intact nuclear families. We were told, “Do your thing,” without regard for society’s needs. A new version of communism stormed our shores, led by teachers’ unions, free love, and blaming whites for every wrong imaginable.

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We must scream against this lie at the top of our lungs before, collectively, we forget who we are. No one will be able to skirt unscathed what’s coming.

There’s an undeniable feeling among conservatives that we lack the necessary will to retain our Republic. J6 demonstrated the unrestrained power of government to assert supremacy over its citizens. Millions have been cowed from speaking out against the gathering darkness, and our government shows little regard for respecting the Constitution.

What’s happening to Trump in Manhattan is breathtaking. Yet, as far as Democrats are concerned, this is only the beginning. The invasion across our borders reflects the inaction we see in Congress, coupled with an empowered bureaucracy and the hard left-leaning Marxist progressive press, which is louder and more activist each day. Our defenses have crumbled. In a 60-Minutes interview this week, the President of Mexico threatened America, saying he’d send even more migrants to the border if the U.S. does not do what he says:

The U.S. must commit $20 billion a year to poor countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, lift sanctions on Venezuela, end the Cuban embargo, and legalize millions of law-abiding Mexicans.

Immigration, primarily illegal, has profoundly affected us. Too few of us can see how fast our standards, laws, customs, and beliefs are changing. Powerful forces chip away at our foundations, beginning with education. Each year, the number of Americans who consider themselves patriotic falls in lockstep with these fundamental changes imposed on us by the Marxists/communists embedded in our society. Their deep roots have been cultivated over two generations.

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