AOC’s District Has Become Third World Slum


from Moonbattery:

The Third World subsists under the thumb of Third World rulers — incompetent, frequently ideologically deranged thugs who make their miserable countries even worse. That’s why the people who live there want to get out and escape across our undefended border. If enough of them come, the USA will be a Third World country with Third World rulers too. In the bluest areas, this has happened already. Consider the district that elects the “Future of the Democratic Party,” the barmaid from Westchester now known as AOC:


An area in Squad member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s district is being described as looking more like a Third World country as opposed to a thriving American neighborhood, as desperate migrants block up sidewalks selling food and shilling clothing items while prostitutes openly solicit sex from passersby — reportedly including teens.

The neighborhoods of Corona, Jackson Heights and Elmhurst — a once-vibrant community in northwestern Queens — has now essentially deteriorated into a large flea market with trash overflowing on street corners, leading to unsavory and unhygienic conditions…

According to local resident Ramses Frías,

“Basically, you just see clothes thrown across the floor … the items are stolen from donation bins or stolen from stores, and they just set up shop outside brick-and-mortar businesses. They take away trade from these businesses and don’t pay taxes.”

Why should they pay taxes? The point of taxes is to take money from us and give it to them. That’s why our tax money is not spent defending the border or enforcing laws against shoplifting, unlicensed street vending, and prostitution.

On the bright side,

The neighborhood is often touted as the most diverse in Queens…

When the whole country is comparably diverse, it will have leadership comparable to AOC. We are almost there.

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