Saturday, October 5, 2024

Appeasement of Leftist ideology is destroying America!


by Patricia Anthone, America Outloud:

This trend is well observed in the growing moniker of the Alphabet Sex Peoplenow expanded to encompass and demand unquestioned celebration of every perversion imaginable.

Why can Leftist ideologues never be satisfied?

Because it’s not about the ideology, itself just a tool, it’s not even about public policy. The point is your acquiescence, your full, uncritical submission.

Think back just 5-10 years:


As soon as you agreed to the pronoun demand “as a kindness” to those suffering from gender dysphoria, they moved the goalpost on you.

They now insist on teaching your children that male and female don’t even exist as distinct physiological categories.

Public education today now purposely omits long-discovered facts about the binary, immutable, and dimorphic nature of human sexuality: that a person’s sex is established (not assigned) at conception (not at birth) by the chromosomal makeup of the sperm.

This science has been replaced by a neo-Marxist doctrine which features oppression:

“The sex of a child is assigned at birth by a physician who, in so doing, channels bigotry and oppressive social constructs.”

Consider also the way “environmentalism” has morphed into “climate crisis” ideology. Decades ago, we were reasonably encouraged to “put litter in its place,” which is the best way to leave a clean and beautiful world for our children. Regulations that protected land and water from industrial pollution were readily supported in the interest of both human health and environmental preservation. But when Leftist ideologues, whose religion demands political control, overtook the environmental sphere, the purpose of the environmental movement shifted.

What had been our obligation to future generations is no longer about human well-being at all, is it?

The rabid form of ideologically crazed environmentalism now being taught to our children despises humanity as a freakishly overgrown, invasive species that must be forcibly contained by central authorities for the preservation of the planet.

The easily debunked but virtually unchallenged narrative that humans are causing a global climate crisis has completely eclipsed not only long-discovered science on Earth’s pattern of climate change long preceding human industrial activity but, dangerously, the practice of scientific inquiry itself. Ideology, rather than reason, is now driving energy and other economic policy on a global scale.

We see the same in the perversion leveraging a righteous fight against the residual racism of the 1960s (led by the political right and aggressively OPPOSED by the Left, you’ll remember) into the codification of racism and other forms of factional politics by the ideological zealots of the Left.

We went from defending the civil rights of each person against racist discrimination in education, housing, and employment to a demand that every housing, education, credit, and employment decision be guided first by the recognized faction (racial, sexual, economic, and “identity”) to which the applicant belongs.

DEI selection criteria demand that factional consideration precede any factor over which the applicant has control, thereby stripping empowerment from the individual. The doctrine elevates “diversity” to a primary objective, thereby sidelining both the individual’s pursuit of merit and the organization’s pursuit of its own primary purpose. The result is dysfunction such as is seen in the modern Disney organization; mediocre (albeit “diverse”) employees producing ideological drivel and plummeting ratings. The demise of an entertainment company is hardly catastrophic. But today, entire essential industries are being corrupted by tremendous pressure to prioritize DEI selection criteria. Airlines are becoming more concerned with putting a “woman of color,” for instance, in the pilot’s seat than in the demonstrated skills of the applicant. Medical schools are being pressured to select applicants who can claim membership in favored factions rather than in their accomplishments and aptitude.

When such entrenched groupthink occurs in the private sector, course correction can eventually be offered in the form of consumer rejection and plunging stock value even if government subsidy and regulatory favor for leftist-aligned mega-corps prolong and distort this natural process. Not so for publicly-funded organizations and agencies. Their entire purpose is quickly supplanted by the pursuit of statistical parity among factions represented on staff. And because they subsist on a confiscated income stream, there is no reasonable expectation for course correction at all.

Like the Leftist’s doctrines of twisted sexuality and humanity-hating environmentalism, the Left’s replacement of equality among persons with an authoritarian pursuit of factional parity has left the arena of mere politics to become a religious doctrine. As such, it not only requires no exercise of reason, but it actively condemns such exercise.    

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