Equity Bureaucrat Calls for Burning Down America


from Moonbattery:

DEI has led to liberals hiring people to implement their ideology who are so dumb, they express their views openly and state the game plan out loud. From College Park, Maryland:

Kayla Aliese Carter supports “Black liberation” through revolutionary means and said she is working with some activists to plan “how we will eat and live and grow after we burn it all down.” She was hired to be a “Racial Equity Officer” under former Mayor Patrick L. Wojahn, who resigned from office after being arrested for child pornography.

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Democrat leadership entails a distinctive moral character. As mentioned previously, Wojahn is a protégé of our Secretary of Transportation.

According to the city’s website, [Carter] assembled a team tasked with implementing a “racial equity” agenda across all city departments, affecting policies, practices, programs and budgets.

Her position resulted from leftists pressing their advantage during and after the Black Lives Matter race riots.

Carter was hired after former Mayor Wojahn signed into law “Resolution 20-R-16,” “which renounced systemic racism, declared support of Black lives, and called for the ongoing explicit and conscious confrontation of racism,” in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd in 2020. …

For her work in the city government, Carter makes $75,600, which is slightly above the average salary for the state at $69,750.

That’s a lot of money, considering how unlikely it is that this parasite has ever provided the public any benefit whatsoever. Taxpayers don’t even get gratitude:

According to her posts on X, Carter doesn’t appear to be enthusiastic about her role, and blames “capitalism” for forcing her to be in the workforce. She’d rather be a “collage artist” or a “lady of leisure,” she said on X in March and July 2023, respectively.

“Tired of being so underpaid also tired of applying to new jobs. I don’t wanna go back to s*lling dr*gs but this economy is getting desperate,” Carter wrote in October.

Wojahn must have been too busy masturbating to pictures of naked schoolboys to instruct Carter not to say stuff like this out loud:

The header for her X account says the following: “I can’t wait for society to collapse so MY ideology can rise from the ashes!”

That is the liberal plan for America in a nutshell.

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