by John-Henry Westen, LifeSite News:
Globalists have pledged to bring the world population down from nearly eight billion people to just one billion. The sight of large families and young children leaves their hearts cold.
This is an election year in the U.S. In normal times, an election is the moment when ordinary people can take back control of their nation’s destiny.
But these are not normal times.
Across the globe, men and women are waking up to the alarming truth that governments no longer serve God or the people.
At LifeSiteNews we are committed to bringing you the unvarnished truth about world affairs, the truth that the mainstream media will never give you. Truth is what we live for; it’s the air we breathe.
And the truth of what humanity is facing is horrifying.
Globalist elites are hellbent on using the power of national governments to carry out a worldwide cull of human beings.
They are pledged to bring the world population down from nearly eight billion people to just one billion.
That’s right: according to these plans, seven billion people must go.
Will you or your children be among them?
You might think that this can’t possibly be true. But the one billion limit is no secret.
Look at these recent words from Dennis Meadows, one of the authors of Limits of Growth, the 1972 manifesto for global depopulation, sponsored by the Club of Rome:
We are going to have a billion people… we have to get back down… That’s what lies ahead.
The man who said these words knows exactly what they have in store for us.
The Club of Rome is an elite globalist outfit, founded in 1968, and dedicated to making sure that 7 billion people – like you and all of us at LifeSiteNews – don’t have a future.
Here is what Meadows foresees for you and your family:
- Famines
- Epidemics
- Revolutions
- Dictatorships
- Wars
- A lower standard of living
Radical climate scientist Hans Schellnhuber, who was appointed to the Pontifical Academy of Science in 2014, has echoed the one billion level. The “carrying capacity of the planet,” he has said, may be “below 1 billion people.”
Nearly a century ago, H.G. Wells, an early advocate of a globalist eugenic state, put it starkly: “Those swarms of blacks, and brown, and dirty-white, and yellow people … will have to go.”
They avoid that language today. But their goal is unchanged.
They will do this by coercing and shaming men and women into having fewer children, and they will seek to kill those that they deem surplus to requirements.
Since the time of H.G. Wells, they have killed more than ONE BILLION BABIES in the most horrendous mass killing in human history.
As the world population continues to grow, they desperately need to up the killing if they are to achieve their goal.
But globalists see only a surplus population to be culled and hundreds of millions of dollars to be made. The sight of large families and young children leaves their hearts cold.