How “Mental Health” is Used by the Conservative Right to Suppress Free Speech


by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

Almost every American living in the United States today is complaining about the suppression of “free speech” by the U.S. Government.

The problem is that the definition of “free speech” today is almost 100% defined by one’s political ideology, not truth, and therefore almost everyone in the U.S. today defines “free speech” as the “freedom” to express their own political biases while suppressing the biases of the other side of the political spectrum.


Defining “free speech” as a standard that is based on truth, is very rare and almost non-existent today in the U.S.

So which side is more aggressive in trying to censor their political opponents?

In my opinion, it is the Conservative Right, because the Conservative Right has consistently supported Big Pharma and the use of Big Pharma to control those who don’t agree with their “conservative” values, and this includes Corporate Christianity.

And one of the most common ways the Right uses to suppress the speech of those who don’t agree with them, is to use psychiatry and the field of “mental health” to justify their desires to control the speech of others who do not support their “conservative” values.

What is “Mental Health”?

The term “mental health” is a modern term used in the field of psychiatry, and is completely arbitrary and defined by medical professionals and politicians.

Here is the Wikipedia definition:

Mental health encompasses emotional, psychological, and social well-being, influencing cognition, perception, and behavior. According to World Health Organization (WHO), it is a “state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and can contribute to his or her community”.

As one can see from this definition of “mental health”, it is defined by a government health authority, the World Health Organization (WHO) in this case, who defines what “mental health” means.

This definition certainly sounds to me like a top-down socialist or communist school of thinking that leads to tyranny, but this definition is used and embraced by the Conservative Right, especially corporate Christianity.

At the end of January I published an article about one of the largest “churches” in the United States, Focus on the Family, which was founded by a psychiatrist, Dr. James Dobson, and has a daily radio broadcast reportedly heard on more than 5,000 stations in more than 150 languages, with an estimated global audience of more than 200 million people, and how this Christian group supports “mental health” and doctors as “experts”, rather than teaching what the Bible teaches on what is today called “mental health.”

Like just about every other major Christian organization in 2020 and 2021, Focus on the Family supported Big Pharma and their COVID agendas, including the COVID shots. See:

Christian Leaders Push “Mental Health” and Trusting Medical Doctors Rather than Trusting the Jesus of the Bible to Deal with Life’s Problems

I reported then, as I have for almost 2 decades now, how the entire field of psychiatry is corrupt, where one out of every five psychiatrists is arrested on criminal charges, where four out of every ten women are being raped in psychiatric wards, and where children are routinely abused sexually by their psychiatrists.

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