The Brutal Wielding of the Mis/Dis Information Club


by M. Walter, American Thinker:

Remember when politicians lived in fear of offending “soccer moms” or any other constituency? That ended with “bitter clingers.” We are now in an abusive relationship with our federal government.

If you search the Obama White House archives for “misinform” (which includes “misinformed” and “misinformation”), you will find 247 instances of the former president or his spokespeople using that word during his eight years in the White House (acknowledging that there may be some duplication of documents). That annualizes to slightly more than once every other week for eight straight years.


Perusing these results leads to an unambiguous conclusion: The term represented eight straight years of blaming you. The messaging was consistent: Your understanding of the matter—whatever it was—was flawed. The Obama White House never erred. Oh no. You presented some defect, some flaw in your understanding. You’d been watching Fox or listening to Rush Limbaugh, so you’d gotten it wrong. It was not them.

It was you.

The exact same search in the Trump White House archive produces exactly 25 results for his one 4-year year term, or 6.25 times per year, for an annualized rate of a bit more than once every other month.

In the case of the Trump White House, there’s also an unambiguous conclusion about how the White House used the word: It wasn’t you that got anything wrong. If the Trump White House felt the need to issue blame at all, it was directed at other Democrats in power: the media, not you, the citizen.

There’s something crucial about the ugliness of the Obama White House’s knee-jerk impulse to blame you, the citizen that simply cannot be sped by, overlooked: it’s the stuff of dictators, tyrants, and despots. And as you think about that, keep in mind that this is the same White House that committed the egregious “Lie of the Year,” advising us that, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it.” The Obama White House always had as its first impulse (as does the Biden White House) not to acknowledge you for simply noticing what it had actually done. Instead, it was—and is—to insult you or try to gaslight you into not seeing what was patently obvious.

As we look at a list of Democrat Media ComplexTM lies, contemplate the almost superhuman restraint it took for the Trump White House not to indulge “misinformation” game. Trump would’ve been absolutely within his rights to lob blame bombs right back at that rabid pack of Democrat dogs every single day, but he didn’t, and he didn’t instruct his team to do it.

Just think of the list of flat-out lies that Democrats told about the Trump Administration. Here’s just a taste, with thanks to Sharyl Attkisson for jogging my memory.

1.    A small but blindingly bright marquee example was “Koi-gate,” which even NPR had to admit was a garbage take by CNN and a fair mob of others. President Trump and (the now late) Prime Minister Abe each dumped a box of fish food in a koi pond in Japan, but the media focused only on Trump and spun what he did as a “world stage” blunder. On the face of it, it’s a petty attack in the grand scheme of things, but even light scrutiny reveals it as notably egregious, as the live video was broadcast worldwide. Don’t just speed by that fact. Democrats lied about something seen live all over planet Earth that could easily be verified or disproved via CSPAN. Think about the mindset of these numerous people lying about something seen live globally, then reliably archived. It simply boggles the imagination. Truly. It’s staggering when you really think about it.

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