Denver Government May Furlough Its American Staff To Put Illegals On Its Payroll


by Luke Rosiak, Daily Wire:

As Denver faces a budget crisis due to 40,000 illegal immigrants arriving in the last year, the city is using its resources to get the migrant population employed, warning hourly workers that they may lose hours to illegal immigrants and using the public school system to help the illegals get work permits, according to emails obtained by The Daily Wire.

Denver’s 9 News reported on Monday that the City of Denver warned its workforce of job cuts, reporting that while the city “says it is NOT laying off employees to pay for the migrant crisis,” it “IS telling hourly employees they may have their hours reduced to zero.” Sen. John Hickenlooper (D-CO) told the outlet that because companies are generally barred from hiring illegal immigrants, the city may simply start hiring illegal immigrants itself — even though that is also illegal.


“If the federal government wants to come down and throw the book at us, we’ll deal with the legal costs,” Hickenlooper said.

Emails obtained under public records laws show that the city is also using its schools in the effort to get illegals employed. Denver Public Schools (DPS)worked with the city to help illegal immigrants get work permits, giving visas to foreigners to work for the school system so that schools have “adults who are reflective of our students.”

On October 19, 2023, Deborah Staten, deputy chief of staff for the superintendent, wrote to school board president Carrie Olson that the district’s hiring department was hosting “ELA-S Hiring Fairs and Visa-sponsored employee welcome events.” DPS’s hiring department hosted a “Community Hub” where it discussed “visa sponsorship eligibility” with job applicants, and a “Visa Sponsorship Welcome Night… for all of our DPS visa-sponsored employees.”

On Facebook, DPS said it had “over 200 teachers working with us on Visa Sponsorship and we are welcoming another 58 more in this school year. Representation matters and adults who are reflective of our students is essential!”

In addition to giving visas to foreign nationals to allow them to live in the country and work at the schools, the school district was also working with the city, the state of Colorado, and the federal government to help illegal immigrants settle in the United States for the long term, according to an email from Evan Dreyer, deputy chief of staff to Denver mayor Mike Johnston.

On November 6, 2023, Dreyer proposed using DPS buildings for “legal clinics in November and December to help new arrivals apply for Temporary Protected Status and Employment Authorization Documents.”

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