Will the Technology of Trump’s “Smart Wall” Project at the Border that Democrats Love Soon Cover the Entire United States and be Used by the CIA to Track Everyone?


by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

Last month (January, 2024) I reported how the “Texas vs. Biden Showdown at the Border” was all fake news, as the border is completely open and has been for years, even after Trump spent a ton of money building a physical wall, because that “wall” has many doors and gates in it that have done nothing to stop migrants from coming across the border.

The fake “showdown” between Gov. Abbott and President Biden was just a show for the media, as exposed by people in Texas who actually went to the wall and filmed what they saw. See:

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

The Texas Wall “Civil War” Theatrics – Show Time! Grab Your Popcorn and Enjoy the Show

This week journalist Whitney Webb has published an excellent report about what is most likely really going on at the border, as Big Tech is developing a “smart wall” that was first funded by Trump, and is now continuing as Biden has continued funding the project which has bipartisan support.

In 2020 the Washington Post published an article titled: Trump administration hires tech firm to build a virtual border wall, an idea Democrats have praised.

The Trump administration has awarded a major border security contract to a California technology start-up that will use artificial intelligence on an unprecedented scale, pairing the president’s giant steel barrier with the kind of “virtual wall” long favored by Democrats to prevent illegal crossings from Mexico.

The five-year agreement between U.S. Customs and Border Protection and Anduril Industries calls for the company to deploy hundreds of solar-powered mobile surveillance towers designed to operate in rugged locations. With cameras and thermal imaging, they detect moving objects and feed an artificial-intelligence system capable of distinguishing among animals, humans and vehicles, sending location and mapping information right to the cellphones of U.S. patrol agents.

The effectiveness of the Anduril system in pilot programs so far, and the administration’s deepening commitment to the technology, raises an obvious — if awkward — question for homeland security officials as Trump spends billions of taxpayer dollars to speed up his border wall project. If the Anduril system can spot migrants and smugglers from miles away and guide U.S. agents right to them, what is the point of building a costly physical barrier in isolated border areas where there are few crossings? (Full article.)

Whitney reports how this technology is not just being used at the U.S. border, but at borders around the world including airports, and also within the interior of the U.S. far from the border. Some of the companies involved in this project have a long history of working together with the CIA and military, where technology companies have now become some of the largest companies receiving massive government funding on military contracts.

This is yet another example of how partisan politics is used to divide the country while both sides clearly work together toward UN objectives to completely track every human being on the planet.

Some excerpts from Whitney Webb’s great article:

The political response to the crisis at the southern border continues to advance the bipartisan “smart wall,” having been backed by Trump and Biden alike. This bipartisan consensus reaches far beyond the US, as much of the world is similarly speeding along in implementing “digital borders.”

The disastrous situation at the US-Mexico border is, and has been, intentionally produced. Throughout the last several administrations, regardless of campaign and other public rhetoric, the porous nature of the border has remained unresolved.

While the justifications for the frenzied media coverage are based on the actual reality that the border is indeed highly insecure (and has been for some time), the policy responses from American politicians reveal that there is a bipartisan consensus about what must be done. Tellingly, the same “solution” is also being quietly rolled out at all American ports of entry that are not currently being “overrun”, such as airports. That solution, of course, is biometric surveillance, enabled by AI, facial recognition/biometrics and autonomous devices.

This “solution” is not just being implemented throughout the United States as an alleged means of thwarting migrants, it is also being rapidly implemented throughout the world in apparent lockstep. The reasons for the unspoken, but obvious, global consistency in implementing invasive, biometric surveillance is due to the fulfillment of global policy agendas, ratified by nearly every country in the world, that seek both to restrict the extent of people’s freedom of movement and to surveil people’s movements (and much, much more) through the global implementation of digital identity. Those policy agendas include mainly the UN’s Agenda 2030 or Sustainable Development Goals, specifically SDG 16, as well as Interpol’s Global Policing Goals.

While the American Right has been rather outspoken in its rejection of the UN’s Agenda 2030, and the digital ID project at large, the distress over the border situation is being used to manufacture consent among this specific group for “solutions” that are focused on expanding surveillance and biometric collection as opposed to the implementation of physical barriers.

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