Creepy Super Bowl ad spreads super-sized dose of Pfizer propaganda


by Leo Hohmann, Leo’s Newsletter:

Pfizer spent $7 million to reach a captive audience with its mind-controlling message: Trust the merchants of death over your good conscience

Pfizer spent $7 million on a Super Bowl ad, hoping to convince us that the company represents “science” and not billion-dollar vaccine profits.

The ad triggered so much outrage that the comments were turned off for the ad on YouTube, which is owned by Google.


The ad includes images of famous scientists, including Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, and Copernicus, a Catholic canon and mathematician who formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than the Earth at its center.

Sorry Fauci, but you’re no Albert Einstein.

The ad also featured Rosalind Franklin, whose work was central to the understanding of the molecular structures of DNA and RNA.

The word “science” appeared several times in the ad. Subliminal messaging and mind control at its best.

So, without further adieu, here is the creepy ad that people watched during the Super Bowl.

Indeed, they really are “having a good time,” aren’t they? Killing us softly while making billions.

There was no mention of course, in the ad about the millions of cases of myocarditis in children and young adults, no mention of the female menstruation problems, the strokes, the blood clots, the dead athletes, and the many health issues that continue to plague people after receiving Pfizer’s genetically modifying mRNA injections.

Now, there is a video clip offering facts that did not make it into Pfizer’s Super Bowl ad. In 2022, a Pfizer scientist admitted during testimony before the European Union Commission that the vaccine was never tested for preventing transmission of the virus. Or, if it was tested, the data was never shared with the public.

“Safe and effective,” is all we needed to know. And that mantra was repeated ad nauseam from nearly everyone in any position of authority or influence.

It was all based on lies. Very deceptive lies that made you feel responsible for the health, or lack thereof, of those around you. Remember that quote from globalist Klaus Schwab back in 2021, when he said, “As long as not everyone is vaccinated, nobody will be safe.”

Schwab was echoing the chorus of his fellow globalists who pressured humanity to take the poisonous jab. Prince Charles, Bill Gates, George Soros, Larry Fink, Michael Bloomberg, Mark Zuckerberg, almost all heads of state, all of the top religious leaders including Pope Francis, Franklin Graham, Robert Jeffress, T.D. Jakes and countless local pastors of churches big and small. They all promoted the jab and all contributed to the misinformation that led multitudes of people to their deaths, or a life filled with chronic health issues.

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