Agenda 2030- Alive and Well


by javelin, The Burning Platform:

It is easy to be distracted by election nonsense, the southern border crisis, covid “vaccine” deaths and other orchestrated sleight of hand. While many of these issues help support the Globalists overall goals of ending national sovereignties, reducing global population and empowering unelected international bodies like the WHO, they are just the trees in the forest.

I encourage everyone to visit this website and peruse it. It is the plan they have for you, your kids and grandkids to live under a global, Orwellian governance system. From giving the WHO power above nation’s individual decisions to intentional carbon crediting, social credit scores and cashless societies– their plan is well under way and nearing the final completion on schedule.


At the bottom of the home screen is a countdown clock until full implementation in 2030, also are a month by month list of international meetings and votes, their climate, diversity and global health agendas– it’s all here, no conspiracies needed.

Take your time and click through, look at the insidious agenda and know forewarned is forearmed.

Focus 2030

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