Blood Clots the Leading Cause of Preventable Deaths in US Hospitals


from The Epoch Times:

It can start with something simple that’s easily written off—a feeling of lightheadedness or a sore leg muscle. 
Symptoms of blood clots can be non-specific or even nonexistent until they become life-threatening. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that 100,000 people in the United States die from blood clots every year.
The National Blood Clot Alliance puts that number much higher, at up to 300,000 annual deaths. That’s more than the combined number of fatalities caused by car crashes, breast cancer, and AIDS, according to the Alliance.


There’s also a hidden danger for people who suffer from blood clots in U.S. hospitals. Nearly half of all patients aren’t receiving proper preventative treatment, according to the CDC. With one out of every 10 hospital mortalities attributed to a blood clot in the lungs, the agency asserts it’s now the leading cause of preventable hospital deaths in the United States.

Incidents of fatal blood clots have been on the rise for years, but this wasn’t always the case.

One study observed that the number of deaths caused by a pulmonary embolism—a blood clot in the lungs—began increasing in 2008 after years of decline.
The arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic drove the numbers even higher. Not only has contracting the virus been linked to a greater chance of developing blood clots, research shows some people developed deadly blood clots after taking certain COVID-19 vaccines.

Americans are now in a health care catch-22. Prompt medical intervention is necessary when symptoms of blood clots develop, but a lack of appropriate care in hospitals is complicating the problem.

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