Cancer, cancer everywhere! “Our free press” IS reporting it—while blacking out the reason for it


by Mark Crispin Miller, News from Underground:

Can all these journalists AND doctors be too dumb to see what’s causing THIS pandemic? Or are they just too corrupt to mention it? Either way, we’re in big trouble—and ALL of them must GO!

2 Million People Will Be Diagnosed with Cancer This Year — the Most Ever — Due to Rising Cancer Rates in Those Under 50


January 18, 2024

The United States is expected to see a record-breaking 2 million cases of cancer this year. That’s because cancer rates are rising among those under 50, according to the American Cancer Society’s annual report on cancer statistics. “As a nation, we’ve dropped the ball on cancer prevention as incidence continues to increase for many common cancers – like breast, prostate, and endometrial, as well as colorectal and cervical cancers in some young adults,” said Rebecca Siegel, senior scientific director, surveillance research at the American Cancer Society and lead author of the report, per the release.

“This report underscores the need for public policy interventions [God forbid!] to help reduce these cancer disparities and save more lives,” Lisa A. Lacasse, president of ACS’s advocacy affiliate, the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, said in the release. And while mortality rates from cancer are overall down, the rates of colorectal cancer among those under 50 are rising — and they’re rising fast. “The continuous sharp increase in colorectal cancer in younger Americans is alarming,” said Dr. Ahmedin Jemal, senior vice president, surveillance and health equity science at the American Cancer Society and senior author of the study. “We need to halt and reverse this trend by increasing uptake of screening, including awareness of non-invasive stool tests with follow-up care, in people 45-49 years,” he continued. “Up to one-third of people diagnosed before 50 have a family history or genetic predisposition and should begin screening before age 45 years. We also need to increase investment to elucidate the underlying reasons for the rising incidence to uncover additional preventive measures.”

“Something in the environment” may be the cause:

Colon cancer is killing more younger men and women than ever, new report finds

January 17, 2024

Colorectal cancer is the deadliest cancer for men under age 50 — and the second deadliest cancer among women in the same age group, behind breast cancer. The incidence of colon cancer has been rising for at least the last two decades, when it was the fourth-leading cause of cancer death for both men and women under 50. Even as overall cancer deaths continue to fall in the U.S., the American Cancer Society is reporting for the first time that colon and rectal cancers have become leading causes of cancer death in younger adults. The finding was published Wednesday in CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians.

Cancer is traditionally a disease among the elderly, although the percentage of new cases found in people 65 and older has fallen from 61% in 1995 to 58%. The decrease, attributed mainly to drops in prostate and smoking-related cancers, has occurred even though the proportion of people in that age group has grown from 13% to 17% in the general population. In contrast, new diagnoses among adults ages 50 to 64 have increased since 1995, from 25% to 30%.

Doctors do not know why cancer, especially colorectal cancer, is becoming more common in younger adults. Some hypothesize that increasing obesity rates, sedentary behavior and unhealthy diets could be playing roles. “But honestly, the patients we’re seeing in clinic often do not fit that profile,” said Dr. Kimmie Ng, the director of the Young Onset Colorectal Cancer Center at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. “A lot of them are triathletes and marathon runners. I mean, super healthy people.” Ng suspects something in the environment may be behind the rise.

Sadness kills:

Broken heart syndrome can be as deadly as a heart attack

January 13, 2024

A recent study has revealed alarming findings regarding the treatment of patients with broken heart syndrome, also known as takotsubo cardiomyopathy.  This condition, which is often triggered by extreme emotional distress, has been shown to have a higher mortality rate than previously understood, with current treatments proving to be ineffective. The study was conducted by a team of experts led by Professor Dana Dawson from the University of Aberdeen Cardiology and Cardiovascular Research Unit.

Professor Dawson said the data shows “quite starkly” that takotsubo syndrome, which is more common in women, is not being treated correctly and more research is needed. “Takotsubo cardiomyopathy can be triggered by extreme emotional distress, leading to its nickname of broken-heart syndrome,” said Professor Dawson. “It happens as a reaction to upsetting events such as the death of a family member, the ending of a relationship, or illness, when distress signals travel from the brain to the heart. But understanding is growing and there is evidence that it can be caused by other factors, including physical trauma or no incident at all. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy happens when one of the heart’s chambers, the left ventricle, suddenly balloons and weakens. The heart then can’t pump blood around the body as before and the extra stress leads to heart failure. It can develop at any age, and typically affects more women than men. Symptoms can appear like a heart attack including shortness of breath and chest pain. But takotsubo cardiomyopathy is a different condition entirely and, unlike a heart attack, patients don’t suffer from a blockage of the arteries that supply the heart with blood.”

Professor Dawson said researchers were surprised that takotsubo patients were medicated in the same way as heart attack patients. “These patients have increased mortality compared to the general population, an increased vulnerability to developing heart conditions, and as much chance of dying from this as people who have suffered heart attacks. It is vital that we identify precise ways to treat this unique group of people, and that is what we plan to do as we continue our research,” said Professor Dawson. “This study has identified one drug as a potential breakthrough with promising therapeutic benefit, however further research is needed to establish if this is the key to treating this devastating illness.” The study was funded by the British Heart Foundation (BHF) and is published in JACC: Advances.

It’s the fracking, stupid:

Researchers find disturbing connection between serious childhood illnesses: ‘studies … provide irrefutable evidence’

January 15, 2024

New studies indicate that fracking (hydraulic fracturing for gas and oil) is connected to multiple human health risks like asthma, cancer, birth defects, and cardiovascular disease. A new compendium of research by Physicians for Social Responsibility and Concerned Health Professionals of New York concluded that fracking has serious effects on health. One key issue is that two billion gallons of water a day are being forced into hundreds of thousands of disposal wells that yield toxic fracking waste, which is contaminating groundwater across the United States, according to Inside Climate News. “Studies from across the United States provide irrefutable evidence that groundwater contamination has occurred as a result of fracking activities and is more likely to occur close to well pads,” the compendium says. For example, researchers found that children who live near fracking sites in Pennsylvania have higher rates of leukemia than children who don’t live near fracking sites, as an ICN article summarizes. Kids who live within one mile of natural gas production sites are also seven times more likely to develop lymphoma, as another ICN article notes. In addition to posing massive risks to health, fracking also uses valuable water that would ordinarily be reserved for agriculture and communities, and it also has adverse environmental effects because of pollution. The compendium ultimately calls for a total ban on fracking.

“Doctors are stumped as to why”:

Doctors alarmed by young people getting cancer at unprecedented rates

January 14, 2024

People below the age of 50 are getting cancer more than ever before — and doctors are stumped as to why. As the Wall Street Journal reports, the shocking 2020 death of beloved actor Chadwick Boseman, who died of colorectal cancer at only 43 years old, seemed to wake the public up to the growing trend that researchers had been warning about for a decade prior. “Colorectal cancer was the canary in the coal mine,” mused cancer epidemiologist Timothy Rebbeck of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. Soon after, there was seemingly an explosion of all different types of cancers, many of which deal with or are near the gastrointestinal tract: appendix, pancreatic, stomach, and uterine. As the WSJ points out, incidences of colorectal cancer in younger people have risen significantly in recent decades, with one in five new patients diagnosed with that type of cancer being below 50 in 2019, a rate that had doubled since the year 1995, per an analysis from the American Cancer Society last year.

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