WEF Targeting Independent Media Despite The MSM And Biden Regime Pushing The Most Disinformation Since 2021 – The WEF Annual ‘Global Risk’ Report Lists Mis & Disinformation AKA ‘The Truth’, As Number One Societal Risk


by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

During the whole Covid fiasco where state leaders and federal leaders implemented policies, such as lockdowns, closing of businesses deemed “non-essential,” vaccine mandates, limits on gatherings within private homes, forced masking and social distancing, it was Independent Media, collectively, that warned of government overreach, the dangers of experimental vaccines and long term effects of said vaccines, the damage to children from school closures, and the economic ramifications of the aforementioned  state and federal policies.

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

Jump forward and we see reports of the damage done to children from school closures, a rise in cancersheart problems and a number of other health issues unseen before the introduction of the experimental Covid vaccine that was rush to manufacture and had no long term testing before being rolled out.

In fact it was just reported that the mandated social distancing that was required back then, wasn’t even needed. That was revealed in recent testimony by Anthony Fauci, the man responsible for many of the boneheaded decisions that damaged the economy, caused so much job loss, harmed the nation’s children and kicked off the inflationary nightmare that still makes it difficult for Americans to afford three meals a day because the majority (62%) is living paycheck to paycheck.

Independent Media figuratively screamed from the rooftops, warning Americans about the dangers of government overreach, experimental vaccines, school closures, forced masking, mandated vaccines, and the lockdowns.

By exposing the truth, Independent Media websites were demonetized, labeled disinformation agents, and called “dangerous,” “derogatory,” and harmful, because what we were reporting “contradicts authoritative, scientific consensus.”

The exact quotes from the demonetization notification from Google Adsense, stated:

We do not allow content that:

• relates to a current, major health crisis and contradicts authoritative, scientific consensus.

• promotes harmful health claims or relates to a current, major health crisis and contradicts authoritative scientific consensus.

• contradicts authoritative scientific consensus on climate change.

Never mind the fact that the MSM has been documented as being the ones to push dis or misinformation, contradicting the “official narrative,” pushed by the Biden regime and the national media, was enough to put a target on the backs of all Independent Media.

Matters not that Independent Media ended up being correct about more than the MSM in regards to Covid and the subsequent steps taken by state and federal leaders,  ANP and other websites that dared speak the truth despite the threats to our very livelihood, were blacklisted by those that hold sway over many advertising companies.

Those attacks against truth are about to intensify.

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