The Oct. 7 False Flag and Biden’s March to WWIII


by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

Nick Koutsobinas — On October 6th, it was a Friday, and I was in Tampa. I hadn’t thought about the war in Ukraine in nearly a day, mostly because I had just been robbed. But on October 7th, all that changed.

A premonition struck me at that moment — a gut feeling — the same gut feeling I had writing about Ukraine and the COVID vaccines, about the social media censorship during lockdowns; I remember thinking — reflecting on the week prior how all the momentum of leaving Ukraine and finally rebuilding toward American prosperity, and putting our interests as a nation above all others had just vanished, poof.


Now, we are heading in a radically different direction. Three months later, it’s a few days after New Year’s, about a week from today, after President Joe Biden gets shot up with enough drugs to give a rhino Bell’s palsy, he’ll sit down at the Resolute desk and sign the deed for America’s death warrant — his supplemental spending plan, which will tie funding a multi-front war, or a defacto World War III, by sending $106 billion American tax dollars to Ukraine, Israel, military operations in Taiwan, and a little over there to “secure” the southern border. Unless Congress chooses otherwise.

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