Bigger War, Bigger Fraud and Bigger CV19 Death Toll


by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

This is the year of bigger, and in this case, bigger is NOT better.  There is a bigger war brewing in the Middle East – much bigger.  Some say this is the beginning of WWIII.  There is no end in sight for the conflicts all over the region.  You have a hot war in Gaza.  Hezbollah is ready to ramp it up in Lebanon on Israel’s Northern border, and the US and UK both opened up big attacks on the Iranian backed Houthis in Yemen.  Meanwhile, Iran was busy taking an oil tanker by force near the Strait of Hormuz.   You have conflict on the biggest choke points for oil tankers and shipping at the Red Sea and the Persin Gulf.  Is there a big economy-killing oil spike coming?  If this keeps going, and it will, the answer is yes.


It’s hard to believe the fraud being conducted to keep Donald Trump from running for his old job in 2024 could get any bigger, but it has.  The Georgia DA, Fani Willis, prosecuting the Trump Rico case is in hot water for sending her boyfriend to the White House just before the Trump indictment for RICO charges.  Marjorie Taylor Green is seeking criminal referrals for all involved.  Even if Willis could get a conviction on her case, there are many avenues for it all to fall apart on appeal.  Colluding with the Biden White House to jail a political opponent is a huge “get out of jail free” card.  Somebody other than Trump may go to jail for what President 45 calls election interference.  It’s hard to disagree when you have fraud in your face that is this big.

Bigger numbers of those who “died suddenly” and so-called “medical emergencies” because of the CV19 bioweapon vax are soaring, according to NYU Professor Mark Crispin Miller (MCM).  Of course, the deaths and disabilities are caused by the CV19 bioweapon vax, but the Lying Legacy Media is trying to cover up and gaslight the public into thinking it’s not really a problem.  But it is a problem, a huge problem, and it is getting worse.  With more than 700 million CV19 injections that have “intentionally toxic” ingredients, it is only going to get worse and become a much bigger death toll and disability.  This is why MCM is asking for all the help you can give him to help document this historic tragedy and murder program.  (You can donate to MCM’s “Died Suddenly Project” by clicking here.) He wants to get the truth out that the demonic population-reducing globalists want to keep hidden.

There is much more in the 57-minute newscast.

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