by Nathan Reynolds, Snatched From The Flames:

It’s been many years since I picked up the pen and took to these keys. For far too long I’ve turned to the camera and poured my heart out through the screen. In the last month however, I have experienced a censorship like never before. Videos and Interviews I posted were taken down. The gods of the Youtube algorithm have given me a strike and silenced my means to communicate. Amidst this persecution I am reminded of the power of the pen and seek once more my beloved reader to come back to you and share what has cost me dearly. As such I will posting those banned videos and deleted content along with all my hundreds of previously posted videos here at


Men and women across the earth are facing down the barrel of weapon more lethal than the most malicious dictator could have imagined. The deadliest of poisons lies poised in its chamber. It is the weapon of mass destruction which has toppled kingdoms and destroyed empires. Four simple letters make up its confines and build up its pillars. It beguiles those who use it and fills them with an illusion of control. Fear is the tool being used to wage this endless war against the innocent and slaughter the suppressed.

You see my beloved brother, cherished sister there is an orchestrated attack being waged on the souls of mankind. There is a Radical Intelligent Evil better known as The Ancient Hate which is stalking you in the darkness. He is deception incarnate malevolence at its finest. He has sculptured a society in his image and degraded his prisoners to be nothing more than brutish evolutionary beasts.

From the first introduction to the prisons of institutionalized education his presidents, popes, advisors, councilors, and economic hitmen have waged an multi front war on the minds of the masses. They’ve filled our heads with worthlessness, lies and blatant fallacies so that we cannot know to reject the evil and choose the good. They follow an agenda which was dictated out through the channelers and mediums like Helena Blavatsky, Dr. Alfred Kinsey, L. Ron Hubbard, Aliester Crowely, and Marina Abramovic. Blind leading the blind their gods are seeking to lead us all into their smoldering pit.

How long will we consent? How long will be sit idly by while our children’s minds are raped with falsehood as their bodies are paraded around as billboards for the pedophilic pleasures of Walt Disney’s sycophantic desires. When will you choose to abstain from their culture and reject their poisoned products? Do you not know that in our arsenal is the only cure to their cowardly attack. It is truth which sets the captives of cowardice free and makes boys to become men. This world is need of men who boldly refuse the kings commands. Who guard their children from the predators and pediatricians who merchandise their bodies for a pharmaceutical bonus. We must resist the ways of the wicked and become conquerors of cowardice refusing to sit by and watch our nations be destroyed. We have the right to overthrow these technocratic dictators and resist their demands. Assuredly a meal of home-grown vegetables and venison eaten in peace will always be better then genetically mutated meats and sweets consumed in a house of turmoil.

We have an opportunity to overcome their agenda by clothing our selves with the wisdom that our ancestors once took for granted. To equip my family with that ancient wisdom I spent the last five years traveling this nation seeking the skills and understanding I knew we needed to overcome this tyrannical onslaught. 150,000 miles went under our tires as we criss-crossed this country looking for the rarest of treasures. We went in search of the hold outs, the has been’s, the cast offs, and the all to quickly forgotten soldiers in this War of The Ages.

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