No Communist Regime Has Ever Willingly Just Given Up Power


by D.W. Wilber, America Outloud:

Back in 2015, nearly a decade ago and during the last year of Barack Hussein Obama’s time in office, I began to give a warning to people on social media and in other writings and speaking engagements; I warned anyone who would listen that “no communist regime has ever willingly just given up power.” It seemed to me to be an appropriate point to tell people at the time since the Obama Administration was winding down. It was a comment that I have since repeated regularly. Americans need to understand that the “fundamental transformation” of America that began during the Obama years has continued unabated.


Along with that admonishment, I also pointed out the historical fact that the Bolshevik Revolution WAS NOT a popular uprising by the majority of the Russian people, but instead was a small minority of Marxists who violently took power and forced communist oppression onto the majority of Russians for decades to follow.

Since 2015 history has borne out those words of warning from me, as there has been a full-blown effort underway by the Obamunists and their other Marxists allies to overthrow Western democracies, with the United States as their target number one. They well know that as America goes, so goes the rest of the world.

During his eight years in office Barack Hussein Obama laid the groundwork for what he promised us all that he intended to do when he first ran for president back during his campaign in 2008. He promised then to “fundamentally transform” the United States of America, though never providing just what he meant by that.

Then in 2016, came Donald Trump, who unexpectedly upset the Obama apple cart. As a result of sidetracking Obama’s efforts, Donald Trump had to be dealt with in order to put Obama’s Marxist plans for America back on track.

The result was what appears to have been a massive conspiracy to commit a coup d’etat against Trump, the duly elected, sitting U.S. president. Something unprecedented in American history. A former American president working behind the scenes to undermine his successor. And possibly aided and abetted by the likes of many from his former administration, as well as Democrat members of Congress who were at least witting, if not active, participants in the coup d’etat. Including Obama’s former Secretaries of State both, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, to name just two of Obama’s ‘comrades’ in this conspiracy.

Kerry, in particular, met with our arch-enemies in the Islamic Republic of Iran, and considering his treasonous behavior during the Vietnam War, one can only guess at the counsel that he offered to the Mullahs in Tehran.

So how does one overthrow the world’s greatest Constitutional Republic?

First of all, you take over the education system in America. Teach the young, impressionable minds of our youth to hate their own country. Indoctrinate them into believing that American imperialism and interference are the root cause of all of the problems in the world. An effort that began decades ago.

Also, create lots of bright, shiny objects to distract the people from what’s really going on, along with the activists like ANTIFA, BLM, and others necessary to serve as the ‘stormtroopers’ who will blindly follow your orders.

Initially, it started as “global warming,” which morphed into the “climate change” sham going on now. Then along came George Floyd, a career criminal and thug elevated to sainthood, which reinvigorated the ‘war on police’ started by Obama during his presidency. Followed by transgender rights and drag queen story hours in elementary schools, and now “free Palestine, from the river to the sea.” Along with any other catchy slogan and political flavor of the month that useful idiots can glom onto so that they feel like they belong somewhere.

What is taking place in America today, as well as much of the Western world, is nothing short of an organized and coordinated international Marxist effort to overthrow Western democracies.

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