by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

In our last scheduled blog of 2023 before the Christmas holiday, I wanted to leave you with a warning to make sure that Christmas goose, turkey, or ham you’re preparing for your family this year really is a goose, turkey, or ham, and not an agglutination of the stem cells thereof: here’s why (article courtesy of V.T.):

FDA Approved, Controversial Lab-Grown Meat Becomes a Reality

Some time ago, and in an entirely different context, I told readers of this website to “watch Italy,” because that country was then on the forefront of issuing quiet challenges to the growing globaloney narratives and to the extent possible, resisting them, from sanctions against Russia which its agricultural minister and Italian agri-businesses were anxious to “work around”, to sending business representatives to Moscow to confer with Mr. Putin’s ministers, to increasingly public denunciations of the European (dis)Union’s open border policies, and so on.

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One component of that pushback against globalooneyism has been Italy’s quiet pushback against ‘Frankenfoods”, our term here for all the genetic experimentation that has been going on with the west’s food supply; it’s a story that has its parallels in the world of “designer drugs,” the most recent of which have been the highly experimental covid injections.  You might recall that Italian physicians were among some of the first in Europe that were questioning the whole narrative.  So “watch Italy” and its attitude to “lab-grown” meat seems appropriate once again. I suppose it could be summed up with the observation that the Italians take their food and their clothes and tailoring very seriously.  Don’t get me wrong, the Italians are not against technology or “progress”.  After all, they invented the Renaissance. But that means they’re also realists as well; one might as well expect the Italian government to allow an artificial intelligence tailorshop to advertise itself as “a genuine Italian hand-crafted tailor and clothier” as to allow “lab grown meat” to advertise itself as Italian sausage.  It’s as much a cultural and economic issue of reality as it is a technological issue, as the article itself notes:

In a Nov. 16 Facebook post, Italian Minister of Agriculture Francesco Lollobrigida said, “In defense of health, of the Italian production system, of thousands of jobs, of our culture and tradition, with the law approved today, Italy is the first nation in the world to be safe from the social and economic risks of synthetic food,” according to an English translation.

The bill passed the Italian Senate by a measure of 159–53 and was supported by the country’s agricultural groups, which worked to protect Italy’s $10.1 billion meat-processing industry.

In other words, the lab-grown meat industry threatens the food supply of real meat, being raised and processed.  If pressed to its ultimate conclusion, lab grown meat threatens the food supply and the millennia-old agricultural foundations of animal husbandry.  Similar efforts, as the article notes, are under way in various American states to get proper labeling on such food products:

Efforts in the United States to block lab-grown meat, or to ensure that consumers know what they’re buying, include a 2018 law in Missouri that prohibits plant-based and lab-grown food from being labeled as “meat.”

“​​This act also prohibits misrepresenting a product as meat that is not derived from harvested production livestock or poultry,” the law states.

On Nov. 13, Florida state Rep. Tyler Sirois filed a bill that aims to prohibit the “manufacturing, sale, holding, or distribution of cultivated meat” in the state.

“Farming and cattle are incredibly important industries to Florida,” the Republican legislator told Politico. “So I think this is a very relevant discussion for our state to have.”
Should the bill, HB 435, become law, restaurants and stores in violation could be fined up to $5,000, and manufacturers, processors, packers, or distributors who misrepresent or mislabel the food could be fined up to $10,000 per violation.
None of this, however, is the focus of my concern in today’s blog.  That focus is rather concerned about this:

Good Meat—the cultivated meat brand of the food technology company Eat Just, Inc.—has manufacturing facilities in the United States and Singapore.

According to the company, the USDA approval allows for its first lab-grown chicken product to be produced and sold in the United States. Four months earlier, the company had received its “No Questions” letter from the FDA, which meant it passed a food safety review.

Add to these statements the following observation earlier in the article, and we arrive at the main focus of my concern:

Cultivated meat, also known as lab-grown meat, is created in a lab through a five-step process in which stem cells from an animal are replicated and grown in a series of bioreactors before being blended with additives to create a more realistic texture. The meat cells are then drained in a centrifuge, formed, and packaged for distribution, according to consulting firm McKinsey & Company.

Note what we have once again, in what has  become a familiar pattern for the FDA and for its subservience to Big Pharma and Big Agriculture, because we’ve seen this pattern before in its approval of GMO foods and the doctrine of “substantial equivalence” (a doctrine we’ll get back to in a moment), as well as having seen the pattern much more recently with the “emergency authorization” of the covid injections, for in all three instances – GMO foods, the covid injections, and now synthetic “meat” – there has been absolutely no long-term, intergenerational testing on long term health or environment effects.  Over the years of covering the GMO issue, I noted that Russia was one of the countries that – -early on – questioned the so-called safety of GMO foods, opting to conduct intergenerational studies, and banning their cultivation and mass-marketing in the meantime. I have noted – along with many others – the falling yields and growing costs per acre of GMO foods, cancer risks and so on. We saw with the covid planscamdemic and with the experimental injections a manifest fraud perpetrated on millions of people, without long term inter-generational testing and emergency authorizations and assurances from the Food and Drug Administration that the injections were safe and effective.  A long and growing list of adverse reactions and sudden deaths have given lie to that as well, and fostered the growth of an entirely new kind of genre: not “conspiracy theory’, but “coincidence theory,” the theory that, in spite of massive correlation between increased adverse reactions and the injections, there is only correlation, with no hint of causative connections.  Such thinking, of course, is unreasonable, for causation never happens without correlation, and thus when one finds correlations it is only  natural to seek for confirmations of causation.

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