Cheer on Academia Burning Itself Down


by Kurt Schlichter, Townhall:

Never interrupt your enemy when he/she/they/xe/zorp is making a mistake, and the Ivy Leagues are making a huge one. Talk about getting high on your own supply – for the last few decades, our allegedly prestigious universities have been dealing out highly addictive nonsense to their students, and it looks like they huffed a big rail of it. How else could you explain having three university poohbahs sit there on camera in front of Congress and be unable – or, more likely, unwilling – to say that cheering on Jewish genocide is bad?


Is it bad? Yes. Period. Nothing follows.

They did not say that because they actually do not believe it. To them, Jews are settlers and colonists, and decolonization is, well, messy. The mess being, of course, the blood and guts of the men, women, and children that their semi-human Hamas heroes splattered all over their victims’ homes. Understand that to these bureaucrats and to those in their academic cesspool, this butchery is A-OK. Oh, they will pretend to decry it. They will mutter some qualifications, but what matters to them is context. And they accept the possibility that there is a context that allows mass rape, mutilation, and murder – as long as a designated oppressor is raped, mutilated, or murdered.

What they failed to understand is that normal people do not accept this morally bankrupt paradigm. Oh, they soon found out. When a bunch of alumni who had fond memories of their alma maters suddenly saw what their schools had degenerated into, they stopped writing their zillion-dollar checks. Then the backpedaling began. The head of Penn was canned, but – as of this writing – the head of Harvard seems unlikely to follow. According to CNN – unlike the Harvard head, I believe citation is important – “The Executive Committee of Harvard University’s Alumni Association on Monday announced their unreserved support for President Claudine Gay.” I could not be happier that these tools have tossed another can of gasoline onto the fire burning down their garbage institution.

Let’s examine Harvard, the alleged pinnacle of academic achievement and scholarship. It has a multi-billion dollar endowment, which a real Republican Party would tax, but its true power is its reputation. The name “Harvard” is such that any hiring partner at a law firm or brokerage house or wherever has a ready-made excuse if the recruit blows it: “Well, he/she/whatever was from Harvard.”

Or had an excuse. Harvard is not Harvard anymore. The majority of grades given at Harvard are A’s. At one time, “A” stood for “outstanding.” Now, it stands for “average.” The admissions process is no longer merit-based. It is diversity-based, as SCOTUS recently noted when it slapped the college for its racism. Asian and white students need stratospheric grades and more to get in; those whose grandparents hailed from the right continent do not. Diversity is an explicit rejection of merit, though you are not supposed to say it. Well, everyone is seeing it and saying it.

Harvard’s current president is a shining example of diversity in action. She was not hired because she was talented. She is demonstrably untalented. She was hired because she is diverse, meaning she checked boxes that should be meaningless but, in academia, mean everything. She – I am assuming her pronouns – is no brilliant scholar. She published just 11 academic articles in her career. That’s a joke. And her topics were a joke too, the typical race/gender/jargon nonsense that these untalented hacks generate. But the punchline is not that her work is crap. It was that she plagiarized it. It’s not even her crap. Hell, if you are going to steal, steal stuff that’s not garbage. Oh, and be able to speak in public without embarrassing yourself.

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