Is the Era of Truth Over?


by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Truth-tellers are slandered every day by alleged “fact checkers” and “verification sites” such as NewsGuard that I recently exposed.  I find it extraordinary that Americans can be so stupid as to believe snake oil salesman.  Anyone can be set up by “control-the-explanation-money” to be a “fact checker” or “verification site.”  If you look at the personnel involved in these slander websites, which is all that they are, there is no one of any consequence or achievement.  All of them are people of zero accomplishment other than the art of slander.


Does it occur to Americans to wonder who sets up these sites for the purpose of suppressing truth and discrediting truth-tellers?  Probably not.  Many Americans still think that they live in a free democratic country. 

The few remaining truth-tellers face a dilemma:  Why Continue?  What is the use?  An individual voice cannot be heard when up against the billions of dollars and unanimous voice of print and TV media, government, corporate America, and the endless websites established by the establishment to control the explanations.

All a website has as an indication of its worth is readers’ financial support.  It that support is not there, then the website has no purpose.  

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