As War And Civil Unrest Intensifies, Beware Of The ‘Clergy Response Teams,’ They Are Not There To Help You, They Are Working For The Government To Control You


by Susan Duclos , All News Pipeline:

With a nuclear war closer than ever before, civil war being spoken of surrounding the 2024 presidential election, an economy the media hails despite it becoming harder and harder for Americans to feed their families, and protests and violence becoming an every day occurrence, it seems to be the right time for a reminder to be careful who you trust when all hell breaks loose, and that especially includes your local clergy.


I saw a story recently about a statue of Satan being displayed in the Iowa Capitol by the Satanic Temple, which is somehow being treated as a legitimate religion.

While the display itself is concerning, it was the commentary by an Iowa Representative, Jon Dunwell, a former pastor, that reminded me not all pastors, priests or clergy, are working in their congregations best interest.

• My observation as a follower of Christ, I certainly find a display from the Satanic Temple objectionable. It stands in direct opposition to my faith and would be classified as evil. Not a new experience for me or my family. The Word of God continually warns about the dangers in our world. In fairness, many other religions or nonreligious people have the same perspective about Christianity.

• My observation as an Iowan and a State Representative, I don’t want the state evaluating and making determinations about religions. I am guided by the First Amendment of the US Constitution.

• My response as a follower of Christ…

o The display is an inanimate object that has no real power in and of itself. We have nothing to fear.

There is more to the response but the part cited above is what caught my eye. Basically claiming that while he doesn’t approve, it isn’t really a problem because it is an inanimate object, while he claims he doesn’t want the state making determinations about “religions.” So in his mind, according to that statement, Satanism is an actual religion!

This is a reminder that not all clergy are created equal.

Some have actually been recruited by the government to “guide” their flock into doing the bidding of the government in times of crisis, war, emergency disasters. Worse yet, those clergy members that agree to be a government mouthpiece, also has forms to fill out which provides the government information about members of the church, without their knowledge.


When the world, and the country is as volatile as it is right now, it is time to remind folks about Clergy Response Teams.

In a 33 page PDF from June 2018, titled “Engaging Faith-based and Community Organizations: Planning Considerations for Emergency Managers,” we see more of what has previously been known about the Clergy Response Teams set up by FEMA.

While on the face of it, it is a plan to engage church leaders, calling them “partners” in times of emergency, creating plans to “help” their congregants, but when you delve into the document, and previous news of Clergy Response Teams, we see more than just the government using clergy to control their congregations on behalf of FEMA aka the government.

They are also asked to provide information about the people that attend their churches.

Page 25 of the PDF linked above, Appendix B: Individual Skills Survey, begins with “Partner organizations can use this customizable form to inventory the current emergency skills of individuals within their organizations.”

What type of information are they asking for? Name, over the age of 18, yes or no, Home Address (Street/City/Zip), Home phone, work cell phone, email, Position or service activity with current organization, if any.

Then a long list of boxes to check representing “Special Skills / Training / Work Experience.”

Most of the content of the document seems innocuous, until you understand that the specific clergy member becomes their “partner” and the church members become government “resources.”

Page 5, under “introduction’:

This guide provides a foundation for emergency managers to engage with faith-based and community organizations that can be partners in building a culture of preparedness and enhancing the security and resiliency of our nation. Faith-based and community organizations offer a wide variety of human and material resources that can prove invaluable during and after an incident. Collaborating with these vital community members will allow emergency managers to access a multitude of local resources and ensure members of the whole community can contribute to the disaster resilience effort. 

The government is using churches to use their members to contribute not what they want to contribute but what the government determines you, as a resource, will contribute.

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