Thursday Conversation – Dave Kranzler


by Turd Ferguson, TF Metals Report:

Our old friend, DenverDave, returns today to wrap up the year and look ahead to 2024. What’s in store for the economy, the precious metals and the mining shares? Come on in and have a listen!

It’s always fun to get caught up with Dave and few in the PM space have the depth and breadth of knowledge and experience that Dave possesses. You should be sure to check out his website and, while you’re there, consider subscribing to one or both of his newsletters. It’s going to be a volatile year ahead and you’re going to need as much independent and objective analysis as you can find.


Over the course of this call, Dave and I address the current economic situation and how it will impact The Fed in 2024. From there, we look at the PMs and the miners, with Dave providing a few names about which he’s particularly excited for the new year and beyond.

Many thanks to Dave for generously donating some of his valuable time for this podcast. Please be sure to have a listen. You’ll be glad you did.

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