Hateful Hillary’s Latest Assault


by Matt Kane, American Thinker:

Hillary Clinton recently called for the “formal deprogramming of the MAGA cult members.”  It appears that the seven years that have passed since she had to face the harsh reality that the presidency would not be delivered to her on a silver platter have only made her more hateful than she already was.

Clinton disparaging Trump-supporters is far from revelatory, as she infamously referred to them as a basket of deplorables during the lead-up to the 2016 election.  But long before those comments and her most recent ones, Hillary authored a long track record in “public service” where she regularly put her own interests above those of the people she was supposed to serve, without remorse.  And rather than fess up when caught in these nefarious acts, Hillary instead smugly doubles down, laughs, or dismisses the allegations, no matter how credible, fueling the sentiment so many Americans have: that elite politicians are untouchable and are not held to the same standards as the “average” person.

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While most remember Hillary’s more recent actions, such as having her phones smashed with hammers and “BleachBitting” 33,000 emails after being served a subpoena, there are many lesser known instances that further display her hateful nature.  At one point, Hillary’s detestation for the “average” citizen was subtly disguised behind scripted statements and prepared remarks as a presidential candidate and former first lady of Arkansas and the United States, and during her time as a senator and secretary of state.  But the masses now see her for who she is after nearly half a century in the public eye.

Hillary’s two-faced nature was revealed by WikiLeaks, which showed emails stating, “People get a little nervous.  So, you need both a public and a private position,” which may be the most truthful statement Hillary has ever made, even if she never intended for it to be revealed.

Back in 1975, Hillary Rodham defended a 41-year-old man accused of raping his distant relative, a 12-year-old girl.  Every human being has the right to defend his innocence, but it was Hillary’s comments recorded on tape following the case that unearthed her deceitful ways, even before she was a Clinton.  Recalling the case in 1980, Hillary laughed when stating, “He claimed he didn’t [rape her].  He took a lie detector test.  I had him take a polygraph, which he passed, which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs” — suggesting she was under the impression that her client did in fact rape a 12-year-old-girl, yet she defended him anyway.  Defending a man who claims to be innocent is noble.  Defending a man you believe raped his twelve-year-old family member, and knowing that if you’re successful, you will enable him to act again, is unconscionable.

Hillary has also postured as a staunch defender of the “Me Too” movement, specifically as she tried to paint her opponent, Donald Trump, as a woman-abuser in the lead-up to the 2016 election.  However, Hillary’s behavior toward her own husband’s victims tells a different story.  Even CNN shed light on how Hillary mistreated Bill’s accusers, particularly Gennifer Flowers and Monica Lewinsky.

Regarding Flowers, Hillary attempted to discredit her when she spoke out about an alleged affair she had with Bill Clinton by describing her as “some failed cabaret singer who doesn’t have much of a résumé to fall back on.”  The New York Times, another typically left-friendly outlet, then reported that Clinton “OKed” the hiring of a private investigator to collect dirt on Flowers by contacting her ex-boyfriends.  And while everybody knows about the infamous Lewinsky scandal, Hillary’s conduct often goes unmentioned — specifically her once again attempting to dismiss claims of substance with character assassination, calling Lewinsky a “narcissistic loony toon” behind closed doors.

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